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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. yeah, he thought he signed up to lead a #1 selling franchise and infuse it with sJW lesbian shit Unfortunately since that's what he did, it's now a C-tier franchise which nobody likes anymore. Now he's moved on to syphon the life out of another franchise. Maybe Mike was right, only one person controls what happens at MS. Either way Rod did nothing but damage Gears of War to the point where the franchise holds 0 weight. Rod is a fucking loser ass conman.
  2. Everyone saw this coming too after Gears 5 failure, CrapGamer called this after Gears 5's disastrous performance and dismal reception. This guy loves Gears way too much to go willingly. MS is in a disaster state right now.
  3. After the FUCKER ran Gears into the dumpster. What a fucking low class move. Truly a piece of shit person and I wish him the worst. Hope him and Mike Ybarra both suffer
  4. exactly this, they're going to basically whore themselves and their ramshackle first party output to sony and nintendo heavily next gen.
  5. it doesn't matter if XflopsX is 20tf. the platform will still be considered a laughing stock and shunned by gamers due to 0 exclusives
  6. Disappointing news, but Nintendo doesn't own W101 anymore. Astral Chain will never be ported, not this decade at least.
  7. https://www.resetera.com/threads/gamexplain-sources-platinumgames-will-launch-a-kickstarter-to-fund-switch-ps4-ports-of-the-wonderful-101.167892/ Xcluded
  8. 1-1D/C-2-3 all never on xbox umbrella corps, RE7VR not on Xbox One Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles are on PS4 via PSnow (PS3 only) Also CVX is on PS4 already
  9. this is kind of worrying as they've been a staple in Nintendo's exclusive lineup. Hopefully this doesn't affect games like bayonetta 4 and a potential astral chain 2 in the future, these games should never be sullied by multiplat status.
  10. great news on marvel being past 1 million, it should keep the game out of cows and lemmings fatass pockets as they've been port begging that game for quite awhile now. Just goes to show what's possible when you neglect all other platfroms than Switch with your game, you're basically guaranteed the prestige of a switch-only masterclass title beloved by everyone.
  11. xbox has truly been saved, thank you phil. dead last and 0 exclusives for the past 4 years is quite an achievement
  12. It’s a one horse race that it seems. Time for devs to greatly scale back ps4 development, and cease x bone production entirely. theres no good reason for devs to bother making x bone versions of games Especially if switch doesn’t have a version. Scale down the game if necessary, gimp the ps4 and pc versions if you have to. were number 1 and deserve to be treated as such
  13. You mean the beta is ready March 11. i urge everyone to wait for the superior switch version. Will be another best on switch situation with higher res and higher FPS saved for the #1 platform in the world
  14. jesus christ, didn't belive it and thought i was getting punk'd.
  16. rumour; Phil Spencer working on a new IP starring a cute animal, baby, small child, teddy bear, rat, bird, puppy or a stuffed toy of some sort, will be rated PG-13 and be budgeted the coins he found in between his couch cushion, and will score somewhere betweeon 4.0-7.0 Never mind, i can confirm this is true
  17. You wanna know what happens after you Paint yourself into a $500 price point Hedge all your bets on multiplayer games only Invest heavily in temporary gimmicks like Kinect Lag behind exclusive games Skip showing new ip and let other 3rd party studios steal your e3 stage
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