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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. 1. RE2 2. DMCV 3. Luigi's Mansion 3 4. Dragon Quest XIS: RGE 5. Death Stranding 6. Astral Chain 7. Days Gone 8. Pokemon Shield 9. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 10. Tales of vesperia Definitive Edition Incredible year. My favorite all gen
  2. more radical feminist marketing from the perverted mind of the lemming's spokeswoman https://twitter.com/nickytwit?lang=en
  3. until it comes there's nothing to discuss here, except for your rampant PORT-BEGGING BEHAVIOUR.
  4. it's a con-op led by the slimeball Phil Spencer, more hardware than games.
  5. also no multiplat box is worth more than $129. BonerBin SEX really stands no chance.
  6. I think it's gonna be subsidized at $99-$129 with a mandatory gamepass sub. There's no way MS can charge $500 for a console again after their failed position in the market + coming off the trainwreck flop that was doneX.
  7. this thing is so ugly it might bring on a SW photoshop renaissance. Fucking awful.
  8. i guess the design is pretty neat because of how different it is, as a console with exclusive games it could have had a chance. but what the design suggests, and what's so left so many dismayed is the fact that is literally a visual embodiement of their sellout to PC gaming. There's no chance they'll ever have real exclusives again with a design like that, it's a true ghetto PC. Nothing, I REPEAT NOTHING, can redeem a box without true exclusive. Any game that's also on PC is immediately lessened to the value of LESS THAN DOGSHIT if its also on PC.
  9. On second thought, with a sub that next you all their meagre game offerings, they'll probably offer the BonerBin SEX at a subsidized cost. $99 and not a penny more. It's got nothing but multiplats at the end of the day, google stadia is $129( with exclusives titles).
  10. well, i'm excited to see Hellblade 2 on PS5, it will probably net NT about 75-85% of the sales for the game so there's really no doubt MS will put it on there. but I guess for casual gamers or parents who have no qualms about buying their kids a multiplat box, HB2 for free on gamepass on the BonerBin SEX might be a good option. at $99-149 much like google stadia, I would pick one up just to test it out. But not a penny more than that.
  11. the ps5 game was a nothing event, it looked like some indie developed by nobodies. wait til PS5 gets a dedicated reveal and has a traditional console that doesn't look like a PC tower + launches with actual exclusives by devs that make Ninja Theory look like an Iphone dev.
  12. you're parading a multiplat sequel to an Indie-developed 8.0 game as some sort of megaton, get the hell out of here. everyone knew the SJWs at Ninja Theory would shit out HB2 asap.
  13. biggest loser of the show; XbonerSEX Reveal, PC gamers begging for Horizon Biggest winner: Sheep walking away with Bravely Default 2 and NMH3 biggest suprise: Wolf Among us 2 Ugliest console: The garbage bin that is XbonerSEX
  14. RE2 got nothing! what a sham operation this was. Geoff still sucks.
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