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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. 6 years no AAAE, Halo and Gears turned into SJW romps that barely scrape 7.0, no new AAA IP announced since Sea of Thieves in 2015, nothing that scored above an 8.0 for the entire year of 2019, only exclusives announced have been Aoe and Flight Sim for PC, games on Switch, Ori running better on Switch.... i mean, wow.
  2. let's all take a moment to thank xbox and Phail Sphincter for watering down the industry with this cucked PC port nonsense. thanks, you rotten piece of low-down loser garbage. Couldn't compete so you have to just sink everyone else down to your level. gross platform, brand and man in general.
  3. well it doesn't take a genius to realize if Bone is even at 25% than PC is even less. PS4>>>>>Bone>PC in sales is pretty much a given at this point. stolen/digital copies or steamspy tracking #'s are never accurate, dummy account, pirating herms, etc all get factored in. Sony could, for a small sum, completely block this game off of the Bone and PC if they wanted. Keep in mind these images were found on PSN only.
  4. Nevertheless, the game performed best on the PlayStation 4 by a country mile at retail, with Sony’s system commanding a dizzying 74 per cent of the sales. http://www.pushsquare.com/news/2019/01/uk_sales_charts_resident_evil_2_sells_best_on_ps4_by_a_mile and remember for games like this it's usually PS4 at around 80%, Bone in second with 10-12%, and then PoC bringing up the rear at 5-8%. Sony can do what they want with this franchise, just take it away from PC/BONE users already!
  5. ? After how terrible and broken that version is, I doubt it's sitting at that much especially with how hated and reviled the PC is in general. Either way 90% of the sales were on PS4, they could always delay the PC version by a year or two and no one would care or notice that it's missing at launch.
  6. i don't really see the need for RE3 on PC, there are no fans on that platform. Focus on a lower spec option for PS4, and then a higher end version exclusively for PS5, that's all you need to make sure the entire audience is catered to. no need for a XBONE/PC version that will do 2% of the overall sales.
  7. Remake 3 should be exclusive or have Xcluded/PeeCluded content. crossing my fingers it's PS4 exclusive so the PC gamers don't get to play it.
  8. i don't believe it, and if it happens I'll be raising all sorts of hell on twitter, writing sony directly, harassing their execs and harassing Sweeney or whoever the fuck runs that failed PoC launcher. Enough is enough with this shit, PC is cancer to this business and does nothing but take away the prestige of titles that end up in its dumping ground. Please god almighty, don't let PlayStation go the way of Xbox and become a laughing stock with no exclusives.
  9. well they'll have something big to counter halo: effeminate, but there's really no need to go overboard especially now that halo is a meagre multiplat AA franchise and not a system seller anymore. Demon's Souls remastered + some DLC exclusivity for the next COD will be enough to sink Phil's failed vision of the next Xflop.
  10. huh? nintendo should step in and halt any version of bayo 1 ever coming back. the game belongs to switch now, no more versions should ever come to another platform.
  11. meanwhile on Switch i had to take two screenshots of the page because all the games didn't fit TLHBFR! Switch 2019 will go down in history as one of the best year for exclusive titles ever. More quality exclusives in 12 months than xbox one had in 7 years.
  12. Pretty sure Sony and nintendo are looking at what MS is doing and taking notes never to make the same mistakes. A devalued platform with 0 exclusives, lower-spec bargain games that launch day one into a $1 subscription, and a disc-less, always online ecosystem. Not only do sony and nintendo not want it, i don't think Nintendo could even do that on a technical level if they wanted to (but they sure as fuck don't). All of this talk is just nonsense from Xbox fans who want the other 2 consoles to basically commit suicide like Xbox did just so they can justify t
  13. this poor damage control again? when you have to cross your fingers that sony will lower themselves to MS's level, it's time to give up on Xbox. Nobody is following MS's doomsday vision, they got rejected from the marketplace, only them. Nintendo and Sony will continue making exclusives for dedicated hardware.
  14. well, this once again proves they have no intention of course-correcting and becoming a hardcore gaming option again. the 360 days are truly never coming back, MS will never compete against sony like we want them to ever again. Losers!
  15. https://www.resetera.com/threads/kotaku-microsoft-is-still-planning-a-cheaper-disc-less-next-gen-xbox.157039/ All this after the hatred and backlash against the XBONE SAD edition. The gall of this company to just keep pushing their rejected ideas no matter what anyone says. these guys are truly out of touch and probably downright hate games, gamers and this industry. it's time to go MS, you'll soon be joining Google and Nokia in game-hell.
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