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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. rofl, then you aren't using the controller to its true potential. -Reloading on the fly in Call of Duty without ever taking your thumb off the sticks -weapon swap immediately in COD after runing out of ammo without taking your thumb off the stick -map it to jump in Halo and be able to jump without taking your thumb off the sticks Paddles are a must. huge advantage.
  2. I loved that controller but the build quality on the first was ass, i'd wait to see how this one holds up for people or atleast I hope you got the warranty. I think I went through 3 of those including the illustrious $500 gears 4 one. When that one started to disintegrate i said fuck it and sold it, never buying another controller from MS.
  3. another one of those 100% failure rate for launch units situations I guess.
  4. yeah, it makes DQ11 unplayable because it auto-scrolls all the dialogue when you move the stick. I'm gonna pawn mine off on Amazon, they take everything back no questions asked.
  5. Wow, so it looks like you guys cursed me. After noticing some wonky camera issues in DQ11, it appears my right joy-con stick is constantly moving without any input. and to makes things worse, my Joy con wrist straps have basically disintegrated (I had kept them in the box and never even used them) WTH? good thing the Joy-Con set separately comes with a set of straps. Just ordered a new pair and will send my lemon set back to Amazon in the package of the new one. Will be here with 1 day free shipping, then of course my lemon set goes back with fr
  6. Excellent news! Hopefully the game is totally broken on PC at release, I'd like PC users to get the worst experience possible. plus remember, contents have been cut for this and the Xloaf release, so pretty safe to say PS4 Pro will remain the best place to play this. THHBK!
  7. this is one of the biggest disparities in quality between the two consoles and it comes from an MS-owned studio. You can't get optics worse than this. and the saddest part, lems were excited before this came out thinking it wasn't even going to get pro support. NOPE! It got Pro support, and its better, MUCH better on it. HOW CAN ONE COMPANY BE THIS BAD @ GAMING? HOW!?
  8. I guaran-fucking-tee you, Obsidian's next game will be on PlayStation as well.
  9. think about the sheer amount of buyer's remorse he's feeling. Not even MS's first party gives a shit about DoneX. You think the least Obsidian would do was to step back and say, 'well shit, we're getting bought by fucking microsoft, let's atleast try to make sure our first offering on their flagship device isn't fucked up', but no.
  10. https://gematsu.com/2019/11/sony-interactive-entertainment-global-second-party-games-head-gio-corsi-leaves-playstation The fatman behind the 'building the list' campaign and a big reason why we got the Yakuza games localized. He was also a driving force behind shenmue III and a lot of the smaller, more niche games on PlayStation, especially japanese.
  11. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-11-04-uk-charts-luigis-mansion-3-is-the-biggest-switch-launch-of-2019-so-far and at 50k+ copies, that puts LM3 at literally 10x the sales of Gears 5's opening (5k). BANG BANG
  12. huh? the whole thing's in fucking Chinese and there's no gameplay.
  13. Even MS's first party prioritizes optimization on Pro. This is a new low, this game shouldn't even have been allowed to release for PS4 and yet here it is, on PS4 and better at that. fucking embarrassing beyond words.
  14. yeah that's right asshole, I refuse to play as some ugly bulldyke propagandist. Fuck Gears 5 and fuck Microsoft.
  15. This is the best Switch game this year Imo. Absolute sleeper hit, people didn't pay this game enough respect.
  16. Gays 5 did like 5k copies in the U.K, it's definitely a catastrophic failure in sales and reception.
  17. Glad to see both of these franchises fail, hopefully they both go away for a long, long time.
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