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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. why never Canada Would have got Outerworlds for free, hard to justify paying $90 inferior canadian dollars for it when other people get it for $1 or bundled with a pack of skittles.
  2. Regardless of the 2013 reveal fiasco, Microsoft went into this generation with this as their gameplan: -Abandon well crafted Single Player experiences for GaaS garbage to nickel and dime fans -Sever ties with Japanese developers -Invest nothing into first party games -Transition into a multiplatform business model that includes giving PC preference over our proprietary box -Re-work our pillar franchises with force-fed diversity tactics and write out white male characters like Master Chief and Marcus Fenix -Call the damned thing 'XBONE'. It's a
  3. https://gematsu.com/2019/10/nioh-2-launches-march-13-2020-nioh-protagonist-william-playable-in-open-beta PS4: February: Yakuza 3,4,5 Collection March - FF7r March- Nioh 2 May - TLOU Xbox:
  4. me too. I can't even clear the first boss in the game LMAO
  5. Sherlock Holmes: The First Daughter(XBONE) Final Station (XBONE) JoyRide Turbo! (X360) Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (OG XBOX)
  6. looks absolutely fantastic. My only worry is that the PC port may have compromised development in some way, other than that this game has everything going for it.
  7. CrackHead 3 and Gays5, and honestly I'd pick Crackhead as the better of the two.
  8. Hopefully Mass Effect 2 is on that list, only way to play that is on BONE via 360 BC. We need this but for PS4/Switch.
  9. starting to look at some of the reception coming in over this news is truly heartbreaking, I feel so bad for the Kokima super fans and guys who waited so long for this game, who've been behind it day one to be slapped in the face like this. It's so sad to see a beloved title be disgraced by multiformat status, especially when its PC. These guys atleast deserved to have their hype train until the game was actually fucking released at the very least. 1 week before just completely and utterly deflates the years+ long buildup to release. Such a gross move and such a gross l
  10. Same day as pokemon? Sent to the slaughter. also, Looks awful.
  11. they made a grave mistake remaking this 1:1, a new game but with modernized controls and gameplay with much of the same aesthetic and characters could have been a hit. they simply slapped a fresh coat of paint on an already broken 20 year old game.
  12. w/ victor lucas of reviews on the run fame. 9.5 from both this game looks INCREDIBLE!
  13. hermits will play it, they rarely get anything of value so they jump on scraps like this like water in the desert. Especially when they can just steal it for free like ravenous vultures.
  14. As per new MS policy, all Xbox One titles will ship with a green bar at the bottom reminding you the game can be played on multiple devices. Soon you will see Xbox One, Xbox Scarlett, Xcloud, PS5, Switch and a bevy of other platforms in that bar.
  15. Stop this 'bu bu sony will do it too " nonsense. Sony and Nintendo are looking at MS right now and laughing their asses off, nobody is copying what those 3rd place losers are doing. Xbox's current gameplan is a great recipe for destroying your brand and I'm sure Sony knows this. This news came out a week before release for a reason, they tried to mitigate the damage done by this PC version's existence as much as possible.
  16. also the most worrying part was that PlayStation would be going the XBONE route and dumping everything on PC, this doesn't lead to good optics and destroys consumer trust. As a PlayStation customer I don't want to see my $500 devalued into joke status like Xbox, there's a reason why xbox is held in such low regard and is such a hated, toxic console that people are embarrassed to own: Everything is on PC/No exclusives is the root cause.
  17. well it's a stupid ass deal. especially when Kojima went up there and sucked Andrew House's dick at Sony HQ to make it purposely look like this was a full exclusive. And then of course the year+ of marketing this as a full exclusive and hiding the PC version like a red-headed step child. what a fucking joke.
  18. Why would Sony bother? If anything that's good news, it means this shitty, evil, anti-consumer practice of developing a hidden PC version isn't Sony's doing. This all falls on Kojima.
  19. it's a definite hit to the game's perception and prestige. If this game underdelivers, PC will be at fault. PC compromises a game's quality every.single.time. This means it wasn't a handcrafted exclusive all along, the PC version was soaking up resources and hindering the PS4 version's development from start to finish. There's no denying it, look at why Xbone is held in such low regard with its shitty PC multiplats. Gross business practice and it needs to stop.
  20. I know that goes without saying, but it seems Acti has gone out of their way to gimp the X this time. I really think Sony is just straight up paying to devs to make sure the Pro version has the edge. I know DoneX sold like 10 units but this is getting ridiculous.
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