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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. I'll probably still get the DS one though, Disney+ is coming out and I need a device that supports it. That's the Clunksole's killer app along with netflix. Games are much better suited to Switch it seems.
  2. sold it a few weeks ago. It's been very easy to be without one, especially this later half of the year, it's had zero good releases since the RE2-DMCV-Days Gone perfect 10 trifecta. Considering I have zero desire to play COD this year, it's an easy skip. Until they announce that limited FF7 console bundle.
  3. Hey cows, what does this remind you of: - kiddy 60's rated trash platformers -a 5.0 rated zombie game -"exclusives' also on PC PS4 2019 has been X'd real gamers BOW DOWN. only one real console left.
  4. Xbox One X: 3840x2160 w/ dynamic scaling. Bottoms at 1920x2160- PS4 Pro: Only console which scales both x and y axis, tops at 3840x2160p It's a Monster!
  5. I may as well just cancel the damn thing, it's a fucking worthless multiplat. the console will never be worth anything now that the game's legacy will be defiled by PC. A true exclusive is what everyone thought they were getting, I don't care if it's another shoddy 505 games production for the PC, it still waters down the entire experience. Now I hope the game just flops horribly so I really have no desire to go through with the purchase. One thing for sure, this has to be the worst year for PS4 in it's entire gen. Absolutely nothing but sub 60 rated trash
  6. fucking bullshit. as someone who has a $500 console bundle pre-ordered, this saps pretty much all excitement out of getting it. what a slap in the face, especially a week before release.
  7. i wonder what this will do to the physical games market for Xbone. Every physical disc has been devalued to zero. absolute nightmare for collectors. also, outer Worlds is sold out everywhere here on PS4, I can't find a copy. Bone copies still have stacks on the shelves.
  8. Yikes. Sounds like 80-90% of the copies were sold for PS4. Good luck with that dream of Outer Worlds 2 being exclusive lems, Microsoft will need the PS4/5 to keep Obsidian's lights on. Your multiplat future awaits.
  9. scarlett isn't going to fix shit, it will be ignored by devs all the same as DoneX.
  10. and then there's the widespread reports of this game straight up destroying people's Done X's to the point where the system turns itself off. Activision gives no shit, there's probably 10 Cod players left on 'Bone and approximately 0.9 of them own a doneX. This is is why 3rd party marketing deals are so important, and this is why Phil will always lose.
  11. game also looks legit hilarious, main bad guy is a ripped devil that taunts your fatass and you have to work out harder than him to beat him in boss battles.
  12. Damn, really wanted to try this. No copies locally and amazon is sold out. Yet another banger for Nintendo. up to 80 on MC https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/ring-fit-adventure/critic-reviews Player reception is what's really interesting about this, seems extremely positive. a genuinely fun game underneath the workout aspects + an actually challenging bit of exercise too.
  13. i was playing Uncharted 4 for free on that trial of pSnow, what a POS that game is. It's so limited in scope compared to Rise of the Tomb Raider. I can't vouch for this 3rd eidos tomb raider game, but ROTR destroys UC4.
  14. I feel so sorry for anyone left on Xbox who likes COD. Jesus. Complete and utter second class treatment.
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