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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. I just think it's sad to see the industry shrink, we used to have 3 competent competitors but now with MS taking any incentive away from consumers to purchase an xbox, we're truly down to 2. As for me, my tastes in games have changed way too much to go back to what XBox offers, even it's prime on 360. I don't care about halo, or what they've turned gears into. Even stuff like COD I have a hard time getting excited for. Switch has pretty much 99% of what I play, and I'll continue to go with PlayStation for the very few larger-scale experience games I give a shit about, like
  2. lets see the game then, fucck these losers tell me its not a multiplat then i'll get excited. until then buzz off.
  3. i will never come back as long as games are on PC, they get some japanese exclusives again, and Phil is removed from the company. I just hate that guy and everything he stands for too much. Halo and Gears need to be made great again as well. as it stands i just don't trust the brand and would never buy one of their consoles again. they could change that, but they won't. RIP Xbox
  4. i'll give them a pass this time because contracts or w/e, but if the games still keep going after this there is a huge problem. they could have a respectable 1st party of they stop this madness. no more switch ports, no more multiplats. everytime they let one of these slip, people lose confidence in xbox.
  5. if MS grew any balls this is great news, but alas the game is still for PS4. Cancel it outright.
  6. 90% of that shit is ROM dumps. Besides Dino Crisis 3 and Steel Battalion they had zero presence on Xbox. One thing's for sure, you won't be getting anymore dead rising games or exclusives out of them. I Fully expect Sony to keep Street Fighter from now on, too. with XB1 failing so catastrophically, damn near 70% of their business is dependent on PS. Sony can ask them for whatever the fuck they want lol.
  7. i'm talking in terms of capcom games. OG xbox got basically nothing from them while PS2 and GC shared a ton of games like RE4, killer 7, both viewtiful Joe's, and what not.
  8. going to be interesting to see what Sony will get exclusively from them next gen. With scarlett surely going to do worse than XB1, I bet we'll soon see Capcom pull all Xflop support entirely, it simply isn't worth it anymore. i bet we're going back to the PS2/GC days where xbox was left out of everything.
  9. https://www.resetera.com/threads/capcom-fy3-2019-software-shipments-retail-ps4-switch-xbox-one.147124/ And that's with them giving Switch nothing but secondhand garbage. There's simply no excuse anymore, Capcom needs to stop bothering with games like RE2 and DMCV on XB1, all resources spent on XB1 need to be redirected into getting comptent ports of these games onto Switch hardware.
  10. RIP insomniac the last spiderman was already bad enough, 45% of that game was pandering missions.
  11. your opinion matters not, the devs themselves are telling you that this is the complete/BEST version. it's right there on the box ^^^. Switch = Complete every other version = Incomplete
  12. https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Controller-Adapter-Nintendo-Raspberry/dp/B07B7LMM52/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=ps4+controller+adapter+switch&qid=1571091139&sr=8-2 or get one of those adapters that coverts the signal so you can use a Dualshock 4 or XB1 controller
  13. the Hori pad is probably your best bet. only $20 but it's wired only. https://stores.horiusa.com/horipad-blue-for-nintendo-switch/
  14. half the studio bailed Last 3 games in franchise scored 6, 8, and 6 universally hated studio will be another feminist propaganda campaign and dead MP
  15. yup, this whole 'let's post it at NASA satellite image resolution to make it look good' hyperbole needs to stop it - this game didn't impress anyone no matter how bad the win10 familia wants it to. it's another lukewarm MS game studios reveal, one of which is once again already scaring potential buyers away with the horror stories of its development and the unusual studio turnover rates. Employees are literally running out the door to get away from this project. this game doesn't deserve to be compared to other graphical powerhouses in the industry, it just doesn't.
  16. you were celebrating a 65yr old japanese man leaving sony's board room for retirement Here's the facts: This campaign mode is beyond fucked and anyone who takes a look at it leaves 343i studio screaming and kicking up a trail of dust behind them. We can assume that whatever 343i's squad of low-level coders and SJW quota hires have cooked up is so horrifying and shitty it will make gears 5 feminist campaign look like goty material. Halo is dead
  17. "pilot" was the star of the reveal trailer of their headlining exclusive... poor excuse. they're lucky Chief wears a helmet. ... and so are we. or else their amateur modellers would probably make him look like that ^^
  18. The least impressive 'first next gen game' reveal we've ever gotten. Even Perfect dark zero preliminary screens was more impressive.
  19. you guys done giving eachother the reacharound? game still looks average and no one is impressed.
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