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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. it's the first class, main version with exclusive content. all other versions are secondary afterthoughts. R* probably doesn't even acknowledge them lmao
  2. https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/store/most-played/games/xbox RIP. Fastest drop off of all time, one of the worst games this year, 7.0 scores, 23k sales. https://steamcharts.com/app/1097840 Steam numbers soon going below 1,000 concurrent players. What a catastrophe this game was.
  3. I was watching a review where they were complaining that in one of those automated turret driving sections, where you're manning the gattling gun on the back of a jeep, the second you hit an enemy car with your gun, the enemies all are programmed to jump out and investigate as part of the stealth mechanics. so you're driving 90mph down the freeway, getting chased by an enemy jeep, you graze it with one bullet and.... all 3 of the guys are programmed to jump out mid chase. like immediately bail out doing 90mph and investigate where the shot came from. I was crying laughing.
  4. God f***ing dammit. too soon, only one year late. I was hoping for atleast 3 years of waiting for the lowdown PC gamer scum. Crossing my fingers for a broken and buggy port, and wishing the worst on anyone who plays this. Terrible news all around.
  5. holy fuck. This is why Capcom is the best company in gaming. will be buying this game now.
  6. remembe rthe missions where you *literally* did nothing but walk from point a to point B as Agent Brocke or w/e and TALK to NPCs? There were 3 missions like that. and then there was the lies and deceit with the marketing campaign. Agent Brocke vs Chief never happened, it was a slap fight and then they became friends. AND that snake O'Connor said you played as chief for half the campaign, but it was 9 missions as Brock and only 3 as chief. that game was laughable, traded it in soon after.
  7. waiting for reviews, the demo was trash though. such a small and unflattering section of the game.
  8. there is no more media bias against MS, it's not 2013. Phil has taken any and all ammo away from anyone who could try. They just produce shitty games, it's that simple. everything they put out is budget, broken trash and this will be no different.
  9. Deacon st. John the white gruff male looked at his wife's butt 5.0 - fat cunt from GS What am I making up? It's one the single clearest examples of media bias in this industry. That game was straight up targeted by them for destruction and the sales proove it, it's one of the best games this year and one of the highest selling. the public loves it, it's the 6th-best selling PS4 exclusive this gen and is beloved, sold millions, and has people clamouring for a sequel which it WILL get. That's more than any MS new ip has accomplished in a decade.
  10. RE2 is my goty. Days Gone is realistically AA-AAA but was was blasted by SJWs because it opposes their agenda. fore being the only game in the industry brave enough to do that it's worth GOTG imo. Think about it... MS and their shitty games go out of their way to be inclusive and push a political agenda... halo 5/gears 5 included... and these games STILL score like shit. that should tell you all you need to know. If Days Gone's main character looked like Kat Diaz and came rocking out to CHICK-ROCK songs from Billie Ellish, it would have been AAA everywhere.
  11. last three major games in the franchise scoring 6 , 8 and 6 for an average of 67%.  keep in mind halo 5 was overrated due to being a mainline halo. really a 6.0 range title as well imo.
  12. yeah in the same way call of duty ghosts looked 'amazing' on Xbox one and ps4. it's a low-end cross-gen piece of trash. and it's made by a C-rate developer responsible for 6.0 rated games.
  13. a lot of these indie devs are using the massive popularity of switch to boost their shitty games. launching as a switch exclusive and getting that prestigious title, people automatically get interested.
  14. https://gematsu.com/2019/10/untitled-goose-game-coming-to-ps4-xbox-one The snake developer let it slip that this is a mere multiplat and NOT a Switch exclusive. Good thing I didn't jump the gun and buy it the other day.
  15. Shit I have to decide between the arcade stick or this. Tough choice, I want both.
  16. somebody needs to lock the Jerry-go-round threads before they hit page 40, poor cooke's server must be taking a beating.
  17. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/video-games/23818-real-arcade-prov-hayabusa-switch--4961818027237.html incredible savings. $80 Canadian when it's usually $200. god dammit and I was supposed to save money this month. My Shmup collection + Samurai Shodown on this
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