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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. we got Naughty Dog's old Human Resources representative, time to celebrate guys!!!
  2. It's a ridiculously overblown issue. between 2 sets of joycons i've never experienced this. avoiding buying a switch lite (when that model's actually even better in this issue) is retarded. just go buy one and enjoy it. if anything is actually wrong you just exchange it.
  3. Lmao @ forza car reminds me of the 'greatest games lineup' Replaced because white male -. Cancelled -> a fucking car -> multiplat -> replaced because white male what a crock of shit this platform has been.
  4. my Gears 5 takedown campaign worked excellently, the game really flopped at retail. Great news, rancid pice of feminist trash.
  5. you should see a canadian store. Still see launch games like forza 5 on shelves. Also just saw a stack of halo wars 2 copies $9.99 a piece. Who the hell thought a sequel to this game was a good idea?
  6. It's a joke you dumbA** These were the go-to excuses for when XBONE was chugging along @ 720p on multiplats.
  7. so this is the life of a hobopass user. Got God of War and Uncharted for $0, will beat both in the next 7 days and delete them from my console afterwards. Was going to buy both, never played UC4 and i think I was 75% thru GoW when I got bored and traded it in. Sony gains nothing from this. I would have bought both of these eventually.
  8. just nabbed the free week trial and am installing both god of war and uncharted 4 natively to my console. i see they also have wild arms 3 and a bunch of good japanese PS3 games. NG1 and 2 sigma are on there. Damn, this service rapes gamepass!
  9. Truth hurts. The traditional gaming space is covered by Sony and Nintendo, Phil has transitioned Xbox into a sub-platform for non-gamers like Stadia. That's their competition now. this gay camera news is proof, MS needs a gimmick platform. Some of their sterile safe-space games like Gays5, Sea of theives, and whatever other feminist crap they're cooking up could be big hits again this way. Smart move by Phil.
  10. MS should focus on a $99-199 box with heavy focus on streaming and gay camera functionality for casuals and non-gamers, that's their market. Along with their lame SJW saturday morning queer kid's network style of games, I could see the console doing well with instagram/snapchat kiddies of the millennial generation. Remember, google stadia is only $159, so if MS is over that much next to their main competitor, they're fucked. $99 is the sweet spot for MS, + they will have gamepass on PS5 and Switch to keep them afloat.
  11. With MS essentially being a 3rd party dev they have nothing to worry about, PS5 will be yet another 100m+ selling console. There's really no other alternative, they have a monopoly on the traditional home clunksole market.
  12. I'd actually pay for gamepass if it was from Sony lol Sony's games aren't worth full price but good enough to play though. mS's SJW/F2P games on the other hand, aren't worth the lint in my pockets, lol atleast forza is quality but again, just a dumb car game.
  13. $30 in Gears 3 netted you all skins, new maps, new characters and all new weapons $30 in Gears 5 nets you 3 skins
  14. https://gamerant.com/ori-and-the-blind-forest-switch-xbox-one-comparison/?utm_content=buffer3ea56&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_source=GR-TW&utm_campaign=GR-TW
  15. here we have it, our first admittance from MS execs themselves that gamepass leads to lower quality, MTX-infested titles. first, the hypocrisy where coalishit tried to claim they were 'ahead of the industry' on pro-consumer microtransactions: then, Rod Fergayson admits it: We designed the game for gamepass and a $1 barrier to entry https://www.polygon.com/xbox-one/2019/9/28/20889044/gears-5-xbox-game-pass-multiplayer-boot-camp-xbox-one-pc Infested with MTX and casualized because of hoboPass confirmed.
  16. Shawn "I wear a size medium but really need an XL" layden. You realize these people only leave when the brand is in high regard right? He's selling out right when the getting is good. I don't know the details (not a business man by any means) But I'm assuming his severance package will be pretty hefty with PS4 where it is now. This is why Phil will never leave, he's never going to get Xbox into a spot where it's feasible for him to cut and run.
  17. I was one of the suckers who bought it for $60 at launch AT MIDNIGHT! And It didn't work, not at all, it was a worthless piece of shit and 343 actually greenlit that POS for sale. They pressed that fucking jumbled mess of code onto discs and shipped it for $60. I'll never forget the launch of that game, achievements didn't even pop it was so fucked.
  18. If anything they gave both halo MCC and Halo 5 more than they deserve. Keep in mind any score above 1/10 for MCC is a flatout lie, that game was a fucking coaster at launch. Lmao @ believing those fanboy sites on MC, some have halo MCC at a 9 or 10 THE GAME DIDN'T EVEN WORK!
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