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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. halo 5 was one of the worst games this gen and MCC was a broken mess. And now this series is a multiplat on Steam, all prestige this franchise had is gone. It's not a killer AAA exclusive anymore. It's just a meagre multiplat with the last three major games in the franchise scoring 6 , 8 and 6 for an average of 67%. + It's a wrap. Send your regards to 343.
  2. halo 5 is currently 37th most played on XBL behind about 6 year worth of back-COD titles and both Destiny games. Don't give this franchise any credit, it's not a killer app anymore, nor is it even a dependable AAA with 343 at the helm. It's another7-8 range mid-range title from MS's failed 1st party. After the disastrous MCC and Halo 5 this franchise is on the table. MS will be forced to go multiplat 1-3 years into next gen, and Halo will end up on PS5. bookmark this.
  3. Interested to see how they'll scale this for Switch, though I'll probably opt to get this on PS5 for better online functionality. Will be a nice companion piece/secondary FPS to play when i burn out on COD w/exclusive goodies on PS5, i'm sure Halo will carve out a healthy niche for Sony. Not gonna top charts or anything, but it should take a few destiny players away for a few days.
  4. they'r eback now though. barring Death Stranding pulling off some miracle, RE2 has a clear path all the way to GOTY. in the meantime, while we wait for the next main RE title, i like getting stuff like this to tide me over.
  5. the fans are revolting against this game lmao This is the sad part about capcom putting out such a banger in re2. if the franchise strays in anyway from that SP-focused survival horror experience ever again, it's doomed. That means no spin-offs or sidestories are safe from that harassment.
  6. could be fun with some friends. Atleast it looks better than umbrella corps.
  7. do I need to post some of those quotes from the GS review again? AAA game all day.
  8. B-rate baby version of bloodborne, no wonder the PC beggars swarmed this flop like a flock of buzzards. PC lamers LOL
  9. this game KILLS my OG switch battery. 1 hour of playtime kills my battery down to 50% from a full charge. What a beautiful game though.
  10. so what's the deal with 2D mode? You can't switch seamlessly, you have to restart the game from scratch in 2D? seems like that to me. Just got the game finally.
  11. couldn't get to the store today because of that environmental cunt greta thornberg. Her dumb rally blocked up the entire city, and every dumb liberal hipster here took the day off work to go hug trees. fuck this place.
  12. It's also kept all of its dated design elements. Kill all the enemies in the area to unlock the next gate to the next area? in 2019?? Boring. Looks like I'm sticking with Luigi's mansion 3 this halloween.
  13. He flat out confirmed it, MS thought about selling out their entire 27million userbase to Sony by straight up serving up Halo on a silver platter. Anyone who trusts this company with a $500 investment on hardware or pays XBL is a fucking moron. WHen the going got tough, they cut and ran and threw in the towel. When the going got tough for Sony, they released an assault of AAAE and rebranded the PS3 until it was a success. When the going got real tough for nintendo, they came back from 10m units in 3rd place with a dead console, to the #1 platform in the world with a new AAAE every
  14. probably? It's already confirmed. Now we just wait if it's PC and Steam, or just PC. Maybe even PS5. Remember Frank O'Conner confirmed MS was ready to put Halo: MCC on PS4 but Sony didn't want their invasive XBL services polluting PSN. https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/06/14/halo-the-master-chief-collection-ps4-xbox/ I listen to Colin's podcast regularly and he's convinced that within 3 years time MS will be a full third party publisher with games on both PS5 and Switch.
  15. seems like it is, i was just expecting more after such a significant graphical overhaul. biggest problem is the original was like 3 hours long. oh well, only $30
  16. i'm currently juggling with: Astral Chain Fire Emblem Zelda Deadly Premonition Okami HD FF 7,8,9 I'm not even done with one of these yet and getting DQ tomorrow. At this rate I don't have to buy another game for the next year.
  17. there's also another mystery switch game they're working on, same studio doing panzer dragoon remake. so it seems sega's set a studio to remake choice games from their back catalogue.
  18. tried out the demo. while i love the look of this game, the combat is lacking as hell. way too simplistic and repetitive.
  19. Sounds like thye're going to charge you for this shit when it launches. This developer is so pretentious and full of themselves. they deserve a slice of humble pie. The media needs to stop brownnosing this POS studio.
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