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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. mech games never score well. both demos were fun, still getting it
  2. Seems too technical for most of these casual western ADHD gamers. Oh well, still outscored Crackhead 3 and Days Gone.
  3. This game has made the sacrifice and now I shall cancel my pre-order. In such a jam packed Switch Banger season I'm almost happy to see this flop, saves my wallet for the impending ZELDA/DQ11 blow next week. https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/daemon-x-machina
  4. And, being available on 3 platforms for $2 a copy, we still haven't heard any sales #'s. Worst selling and worst scoring gears ever, congrats.
  5. Just stop it. Game flopped hard, barely mid AA on metacritic, 7 at GS, full of glitches and bugs, and a feminist propaganda storyline. And this is the best MS has had, shit the ONLY thing MS has had in 3 years. What the hell is going on at MS? Why can't they put out a single quality title? Who the hell is behind this?
  6. Xbox officially bumped down to 5th place. https://gematsu.com/2019/09/apple-arcade-launches-september-19-for-ios-chuchu-rocket-universe-various-daylife-from-square-enix-and-more-announced So let's recap: Nintendo: Exclusives ✔ Sony: Exclusives ✔ Google: Exclusives✔ Apple: Exclusives✔ Microsoft: X
  7. If I was Phil I'd be trying like hell. Shut down 343 and Coalition + fire the entire staff and you can free up some funds.
  8. Bungie's marketing deal with Sony ended + Phil and his cronies play Destiny on PeeC every night. If anything, Google will get the next marketing deal with bungie, they're already giving D2 away for free with their Stadia sub
  9. I've got my fingers crossed for you bud. Hopefully it can scrape an 8.0 and atleast match MS's highest rated exclusive this year: ....The PS4 exclusive Knights and Bikes!
  10. Let's take a moment to remember some of the forgotten Switch games that have outscored Gears 5 this year ...
  11. MLB vs Gays5. Rough year, huh clunksolers? Maybe next they can compare which of their 5's is better, Days Gone or CrackHead3? Thank god for Switch.
  12. Seems like the 60 FPS came at a price. Game is hideous. Absolutely hideous.
  13. -Not all of those are PS4 exclusiveses -Switch isn't interchangeable with PS4. -Switch will net itself >20 exclusives, including ones that outscore everything on PS4. -Switch has a reason to exist and an identity -The Point is 'Bone is a shittier PS4 with half the games -Raped
  14. CUNTrol From a dev not even MS wanted! OMFG! Their usual bid of 2 cents for the whole studio + the parking lot included was actually too high!
  15. Reminds me how much I hate this franchise. Such pretentious crap, every bit of it, right down to the trophies. You can beat that whole game and they give you like one trophy for the whole playthrough.
  16. Don't forget, MS devs aren't allowed to crunch, either. POSITIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT, baby. And did you hear? They recycle at the CoaliShit, too. They're saving the environment. Not sold? 19 tranny flags. 19!
  17. Damn, Gays5 is so ugly. What were these guys doing for the past three years? Why doesn't the game work, too? why is it so glitchy and broken, corrupting saves, losing progress??
  18. From main to written out in one game only because he's a white male. Sad. If i was his V..A i'd be pissed.
  19. The saddest part? I doubled down on gears back then because after Halo went SJW, i thought to myslef 'well atleast gears will have marcus's son to keep it grounded, they can't go too SJW with that" OMFG
  20. That came off the back of Gears 1-3 which were all world-class titles. I got burned on Gears 4, and then never will touch 5. that's how it goes, coalition lost me as a customer.
  21. seems reviews took a hit due to epic games exclusivity. Never liked this franchise, ugly as hell artstyle.
  22. what's so fucked up is they completely took JD Fenix out to the point he's replaced by a gay robot for the 3rd player if you play 3 person co-op on XBL. And the robot can't even fire a fucking gun, he's there for support! Imagine getting stuck playing that POS? So when they said 3-person co-op, they lied just to further their vendetta against white men. Sick.
  23. Anytime you put out a piece of propaganda trash like this in order to 'punish' the existing fanbase based on thier gender/race by removing male characters, your game is a 0/10. Gears 5 is also buggy, broken, and full of progression blockers making it impossible to even clear the game. The sad part is, even with these low scores, it's still being overrated because it's a flagship 'exclusive' title.
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