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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. show us some goddamned gameplay already. Need to know if it sucks or not.
  2. will be good to get more info on 13 sentinels, gungrave, and nioh 2.
  3. By your logic: (Fake also on PC multiplats) Wrong. https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/final-fantasy-xiv-shadowbringers https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/tetris-effect By real gamer logic (REAL exclusives) FE 89 Astral Chain 88 MM2 88
  4. It's another Dead Rising 4 situation. Game has regressed, can't even match 12 year old titles from the 360 era. Absolute sign of an amateur developer. Atleast Dead Rising 4 was schlocky Christmas-themed fun, this game is just a shitty feminist game lol
  5. Poor guy had to replay the same act THREE TIMES How can MS be this bad at game creation? These devs must be working with shoestring budgets.
  6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattgardner1/2019/09/08/the-gears-5-campaign-is-beautiful-but-broken-a-great-game-that-needs-patching-fast/#fe00cdf28a4d Reports are coming in and some have to repeat acts 3 times in a row The story mode is completely fucked. You straight up can't progress this game. Another buggy ass release from BrokeroSoft.
  7. Pre-Orders for the CE are up. https://store.aksysgames.com/collections/preorder-now/products/copy-of-pre-order-deadly-premonition-origins-nintendo-switch Reminds of how I was there day one, hyping this game when it was called Rainy Woods. Before I could finish it, the PS3 port was announced and Saucer spoiled it for me LOL Switch is the 360 of this gen.
  8. We will see halo CE again, on Switch. May god rest your soul. As for phil Sphincter, curse you to hell, you and your demon horde of SJWs.
  9. LIFE IS TOO SHORT to argue about if Xflop Flopped Yes , it did Time to move on boys
  10. God bless HALO and the *Real* Xbox that has been lost to the SJW cucks under Phil the F*got Spencer We will never forget you, Don Mattrick, hALO, Gears of War (Non-Gay editions). May you forever live in our hearts and rest in peace to the REAL XBOX (2001-2013). We will not forget
  11. anyone who ever quotes this site as relevant, ever again, should be killed. If you give DP a 2/10, you're not a a core gamer, period. You have zero credibility as an organization, can never fathom games as art, are a complete commercialized POS, have zero personality or creativity, and have no business in this industry. END OF STORY. Fuck IGN. How this site gets away with it... the 3/10 for God Hand, the 2 for DP, just everything about this site sucks ass. How in the hell is IGN allowed to live?
  12. Harassed and belittled time and time again... but i was right again. FUCK Coalishit. Wait till you see the end. Hopefully you only spent 1 on gamepass. I got robbed how many times by mS and their liberal gay cuck games . never gain.
  13. I'VE BEEN SIPPING ALL NIGHT, BUT FUCK DC. how many times did i tell you this dev is cucked tradh. HOW MANY TIMES?????
  14. I hope you like Kait though, trust me -- she's the future of the franchise. how many times did i try to tell you? I'M OWNED AN APOLOGY.
  15. well that's the marketing lead, a fat feminist with a vendetta against men. Wait til Dynamite finishes Gears 5 and sees what the story has in store for him. Game is pure propaganda trash from the top down.
  16. origins looks fantastic though, especially on the smaller screen. the Directors cut content didn't really add much, some dumb cutscenes that were randomnly thrown in + looked really out of place. This has the potential to be the best version.... just needs to be patched up before the cartridge release, which is a guarantee it will. it's funny beacause ch.1 was perfect, but the second the game opens up and you get in a car, the sound fucks up.
  17. they've been doing this for years and you only caught on now? the entire company is a a radicalized group of leftist manbabies and feminists. Who was right, again? I tried to warn you.
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