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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. 343i pink haired trannies on twitter fire back! OUR GAME ISN'T UGLY - WE JUST HAVE A LIFE BEYOND WORK! The sheer entitlement of these bastards. another 60's rated piece of rotten SHIT for xflop and the accursed flop studio 343. BINNER! BINNER ALERT! BIIIINER
  2. 65 on metacritic with guys like these to inflate the score.
  3. My GOTY so far, fuck these tranny loons to hell and back. Lol Gamespot, be banished to an enternal hellfire. Game is a 9.0 all day. to HELL
  4. Let's cut the shit here, if you don't have a PS5 or Switch you've played absolutely fuck all nothing this year.
  5. we ate so well this year. sony desrves a break
  6. I told you guys #PCBEATDOW2021 was real and happening as we speak. this is a movement. PC Is against the ropes and we are about to wind up the finishing blow
  7. FANTASTIC NEWS!! omfg this is absolutely incredible and must be enforced worldwide. PC BEAT DOWN 2021 cannot be stopped. the strides we have made this year in taking down PC gaming have been incredible. Soon, PC will be banned! IT'S HAPPENING!
  8. they're really in trouble over this. Notice how COD 2021 still hasn't been shown. Game must be a trainwreck for them to hide it this long.
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