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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. FUCK. THiS. SHITTY. GAME. 75% Metacritic, 25k selling flop, anti-military, anti-american piece of SHIT and we've had to hear about it for the past 10 years because of its gay anti-america, anti-war storyline. SJWs can shove this POS up their ass. Piece of crap game.
  2. Then the little f*ggoty long haired bastard goes into some diatribe of hate against COD, and tries to bring up that stupid ass failed, 25k copies selling POS spec Ops the Line. Every anti-american piece of skinny shit also goes to that game and its SJW 'deep' storyline when they try to claim COD is for braindead gamers or when they want to take down military FPS. These losers would be 0-25 in an MP match getting bodied, BEGGING for a single player mode so they can kill braindead A.I. All the losers can do is play shitty single player games that hold their hands. If yo
  3. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-07-30-killstreaks-return-in-the-new-call-of-duty-modern-warfare This is why every single western game is trash now and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. These joyless cunts get upset over anything that touches a nerve, then they pen these gay whining articles and pressure publishers to bend the knee to their beliefs. What a joke this industry has become over the past few years, nothing but manbabies, feminist queers, and cucks in this business anymore.
  4. They're like $6 ports lmfao, give it a fucking rest DF. We don't need your gay nerd analysis to tell us what resolution 1995 PC game ports run at. Fucking ridiculous. Also, due to Nintendo's pro consumer policies (You get money credited to your account for every game you buy on the e-shop) I basically got doom 3 for free.
  5. https://gematsu.com/2019/07/playstation-plus-free-games-for-august-2019-announced I gotta give it to Sony. Since i got my ps4 in 2018, I've got all of these for free: Bloodborne Ratchet and Clank Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Call of Duty mW remastered Detroit Heavy Rain remastered Yakuza Kiwami Wipeout Omega Sonic Mania + Many more Not holding the good games hostage for gamepass
  6. I guess we have to wait for a mainline gears, halo or forza to hit other platforms before it sets in to these apologists. they've already sold out gears and halo to steam, the floodgates are open.
  7. double fine - B Team locked into a multiplat Compulsion - B Team locked into a multiplat obsidian - B Team locked into a multiplat Any day now and we'll be hearing of bleeding edge coming to other platforms. Outer wilds - Switch announced after MS acquisition Hellblade - Switch Announced after MS acquisition Cuphead Switch - Signed off on by MS Super Lucky's Tale Switch - Signed off on by MS At the very least we can all see that MS is going in and hand delivering every single game they have to Switch. All I'm saying i
  8. The problem is, MS bought this company knowing they'd be locked down for the next 5 years on a multiplat IP. What the hell is phil thinking? Why waste money on this studio when they will do NOTHING to help Xbox? MS is actively going out and scooping up B-teams making multiplats, when the hell have we EVER seen acquisitions like this? ask yourself why. WHY? Phil knows something you don't and you're having a hard time swallowing the reality pill.
  9. it's such a ridiculous scene. Looks like she's flying a giant dove sack into tampon island. What a piece of junk this game is.
  10. There's really nothing from MS that tickles my fancy TBH. It will be fun to see banjo and other rare games go to Nintendo, but the rest of MS's library is so mediocre this really won't be a second Sega moment. If they let Nintendo have Lost Odyssey, maybe I'll be excited. And the Forza mainline sim series will fit a nice niche on Switch. Halo realistically won't make a big dent on PS4. There so many better options, COD, Destiny, etc.
  11. so starved for games on Xflop he's resorted to making them for himself LMFAO
  12. that's because Sony's massive lead has let them get every huge 3rd party marketing deal, and swoop up Japanese mega-exclusives like Persona, Yakuza, and FF7R. As Nintendo continues to put their foot to Sony's throat, Japanese devs will have no choice but to abandon Sony in favour of Nintendo. Then, it's going to look pretty different when it's PS5 and Sony's lesbian propaganda games from the West VS. the Japanese darling , NS. Take away Sony's japanese games and the platform starts to look much, much worse.
  13. they went into this gen VS the Xbone and WiiU, let's not give them too much credit. Had Switch had been around since day 1 to offer an alternative platform, these numbers would have been greatly reduced. Unfortunately, with Phil Spencer effectively shuttering the Xbox division this gen, Sony will only go up and up and next gen as the remaining XBone stragglers admit defeat and get swept up into the PS5 ecosystem. The victory has been handed on a silver platter.
  14. Listen and listen well. Halo Infinite wont do shit. It'll be playable on 4 different consoles and multiplat with PC. I'm betting the PC version will have the largest playerbase on top of it. Halo will do nothing to sell the next Xbox. Nothing. Those who want the game will already own a platform they can play it on. It'll also be dwarfed in marketing by Sony and Activision joint Black Ops 5 marketing. Halo is going to get crushed next holiday.
  15. Ubishite at it again. God damn western studios are worthless. Hard boycott on every Western game except the off-chance that COD is made great again. never buying another western game other than a COD.
  16. Any sane person's last straw was Phil getting up there and pitching ANOTHER new console with no software, using the same 'it's a monster' campaign on top of it He launched DoneX with Super Lucky Tale as the headliner Seriously, i'm not baiting, think about it for a second: Scarlett is a ground up Phil Spencer console. This console is DOOMED. Atleast XBONE had a solid year and a half of Don Mattrick games and deals behind it. Pretty much everything worthwhile on BONE was done by Don... Sunset Overdrive, Ryse, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising, Quantum Break, l
  17. It was part of the contract The contract that was written up before the Switch was even announced
  18. absolutely, i expect less sales than the OG xbox. It's my firm belief that in 2-3 years MS will be putting games on PS5 and Switch anyways. There is zero hype for Xbox next, people aren't stupid. Those of us who went Xbox this gen got straight up conned. i'd bet atleast half of the people that bought an XB1 were kicking themselves all gen, they won't make the same mistake twice.
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