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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  2. filthy bastard Xshit beggar. Xshit scraps is 90% of his gametime. MS needs to pull the plug on PC and watch these beggar squirm
  3. they announced shadows will be coming to PC 15 years later like 75% of the games in the Master Queef Defection.
  4. not much else to play on Xshit eh? you may as well. and get a wheel for fartza. Simulation of boring real life events will have to supplant real games for the time being.
  5. ayane chapter from Ninja gaiden - What!? Ryza costume and the skimpy swinsuits are in Westurd fgt gamers HBFR This series is BACK and i will be getting it day one. If physical copies are made i'll snag both copies on PS4/Switch. Switch day one digital, perfect halloween game. Now we just need Silent hill to come back RE to never try first person bullshit games again and go back to 3rd person forever Fuck westurd games and any influence they have. fuck them to hell. Japan must take this industry back by force. F
  6. yeah and they're completely different in the way they play entirely. this game is as funky as Persona 5 in many ways. Oozes style
  7. flight simulator somehow manages to be more interesting than this.
  8. there are so many games to play i've already run out of space. weekly AAA bangers will do that + an entire generation of world class PS4 juggernauts still in rotation as well
  9. 4th switch now PREORDERED (Launch, Revision 1 with better battery, switch lite pokemon ed.) I'll be enjoying SMT5 and Danganronpa DE in style best console of the 21st century is here THE new console KING EVERYDAY BANGERS(tm)
  10. the series sells so poorly they barely moved a few hundred copies on Xbox lol As for TWEWY - A CERTIFIED BANGER AS I PREDICTED
  11. https://www.asobostudio.com/games/microsoft-flight-simulator This whole time, all the mediocre studios Microsoft has bought and the 'game' that carries their name on the label is made by a small independent multiplatform developer from France?
  12. lol this game was awful, i bought on xbox one like 5 years ago and it was dead then. of course its free when it's an online only game with 5 active players typical PC shit style FPS. Janky controls. 1990's visuals. Broken gameplay. floaty controls. can't even tell what you're shooting at the game is so ugly
  13. what's the last single player FPS that was decent? The genre is dead already. Online only POS's have no value to me nowadays. COD will be skipped this year. It's going to be another full priced $70 DLC pack for Warzone again.
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