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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. This, Condemned, and Dead Rising this shit was the best When MS and devs in general had pride in Xbox and its exclusives.
  2. I guess when your FauXclusive lineup consists of trash like SoT, Crackdown 3, Dtate of Decay and Gearsjw 5 this looks appealing: A Way Out Battlefield 1 Battlefield 4 Battlefield Hardline Battlefield V Burnout Paradise Remastered Dragon Age: Inquisition Fe FIFA 15 FIFA 16 FIFA 17 FIFA 18 FIFA 19 Madden NFL 15 Madden NFL 16 Madden NFL 17 Madden NFL 18 Madden NFL 19 Madden NFL 25 Mass Effect: Andromeda Mirror's Edge Catalyst NBA Live 15 NBA Live 16
  3. edward furlong 1990 what you'd expect him to look like today reality
  4. Alan Wake 2 built from the ground up for PS5 exclusively is going to be nuts. you can tell Sam is out for Phil's blood.
  5. video interview with IGN Hopefully Sony will allow this game to flourish. You can tell now why they have such bad blood with MS and have been desperately trying to get away. Feel sorry for these guys. Shame on you Phil Spencer. You deserve to be forcibly removed from redmond HQ and have your pension fund repurposed to go to the funding of new exclusives SP games for the poor Xbox One owners you starved to death.
  6. indeed, mario kart is the only racer that even registers as a real game.
  7. this is hilarious. Xbox fans were doing their usual, stalking linkedIn and tracking down developer CVs to piece together the mystery of what happened to the Xflop's mysterious exclusives... all to find their devs making a PS4 exclusive... for VR... which xbox doesn't even do! AHAHAHA!
  8. no console players care about this dev or their franchises. PC acquisition + the added benefit of the fact that they can make PS4 VR games. How sad is this, and here xbox fans were thinking these studios were acquired FOR THEM! HAHA!
  9. Imagine paying a top tier employee on a lead project salary for even a year to develop an EXCLUSIVE for your rival's platform and peripheral. what is that 100k a year? let's say the game takes two or three years to develop. Now add in the whole team's salaries. Phil has agreed to pay millions to make PS4 exclusives. WHo does business like this? And it's all for a fucking budget ass dev who makes BARD TALES on top of it This is so sad it isn't even funny, Phil is literally retarded
  10. https://segmentnext.com/2019/07/18/gears-5-keyboard-and-mouse/ I guess we should start thanking MS for allowing gamepad support soon. Soon every game they make will be built around KB/M. So even if the magical fix for crossplay against PoC users happens, Console players are still gaming on a completely uneven playing field... in RANKED PLAY nonetheless. let's take a look at the current MP pool: Xbone Live: -PC users -Mobile phone users -Xbox owners with standard controller -Xbox owners with with elite controller, trigger locks, an
  11. https://venturebeat.com/2018/11/17/inxile-entertainment-is-still-working-on-vr-despite-microsoft-acquisition/ Still hiring for PS4 developers familiar with VR after the MS acqusition - Check If VR isn't your thing, you can pick up their latest release funded by MS's dime: 3 new PS4 games, new employees, and an exclusive for a rival platform's peripheral. All after MS is fronting the bill. Still nothing for XBox though, funny how that works. say it with me:
  12. great marketing dept. over at MS. Xbox is hanging on by a thread and refuse to tell us anything. if only they could have anounced new AAA games last month when they had the biggest stage in the world all to themselves. nope... not even a CGI for this make-believe fable game we've been hearing is totally coming for 2 years now.
  13. the guys thinking xbox is ever going back to having exclusives NO EXCLUSIVES EVER is the mantra moving forward from the CEO down If you're even thinking of buying Xflop Scarlett, just go burn a stack of $100's right now.
  14. “We’re investing to empower the world’s two billion gamers to play the games they want with anyone, anywhere, on any device with our new game streaming service, Project xCloud which will enter public trials this fall,” said Nadella. “Xbox Live monthly active users increased to a record 65 million with the highest number of mobile and PC users to date. “We’re bringing one of the the world’s most popular video games to a new generation of mobile gamers with Minecraft Earth and mixed reality, and we nearly doubled our first-party studios this year to deliver differentiate content for
  15. Here comes the resident CON-MAN to peddle his stolen wares. No thanks back alley bandit, we don't steal games around here like lowdown CON MEN. Filthy CON MAN
  16. I am going to make sure to enjoy the Nsclusive content as much as possible, the thought of this stellar content being kept away from lesser gamers on PC and Ps4 excites me to no end. Thank you square for fucking them out of their money and withholding the real product for us THANK YOU!!
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