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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. out in 2 months and we've seen nothing. my guess is 3-4 hour ramshackle campaign with tons of SJW themes they're trying to hide to not offend potential buyers. Pre-orders are apparently very weak, everyone knows what they're trying to do with this game. scores will be in the 7's or less guaranteed. Worst in franchise entry and 'gears' (lmfao) goes away for a LONG time after this one. this IP is dead and damaged beyond repair. Nothing short of a god of war 2018 reboot reception will save GEARS OF WAR 6 starring Marcus, which MS can never pull off
  2. Confirmed: This is not just 'performance capture' but motion capture as a whole. Any other scenes will be CGI, (if there are any) but there are only 4-5 'real' cutscenes. AAA games use motion capture throughout. What this means is essentially, there is no budget put into this game's SP. Keep in mind, after the E3 2018 trailer, we've already seen one of gearsJW 5's cutscenes - 25% of the game. this is why they refused to release anything else. The female protagonist DISASTER must've really affected this games budget and scope. Kait ruined this game. Anyone who buys this
  3. So, apparently this is a new trend amongst young homo liberals to tamper with food and post it online. https://summit.news/2019/07/04/new-trend-of-tampering-with-food-products-and-putting-them-back-going-viral/ Here's a young Tranny democrat taking a swig of mouth wash and spitting it back in the bottle. OMFG That's worthy of life in jail or death imo. and a young autisticBernie voter getting in on the ice cream fad: What in the world is going on with these kids. SICK.
  4. The switch version is being updated. This is another attention whore piece from GS, fake controversy bullshit.
  5. Atleast they reviewed the Switch version. websites are starting to forget XBONE and the DoneX even exists!
  6. wonder if this will lead to better or worse build quality in consoles. Sony desperately needs to make their hardware more premium. Abysmal quality of components all over the PS4
  7. lmao this crime would warrant more severe punishment if she was fat and disgusting or if it were a dude
  8. Would you hit it? How many guys out there would swap spit with her?
  9. Praying this is the last remedy game to ever hit PC. Will be supporting the PS4 version to bring alan wake home to Sony. the better Control does on PS4, the quicker we can take this developer away from the hermits (and their sidekicks on the companion box).
  10. https://www.resetera.com/threads/pushsquare-sources-indicate-playstation-bidding-for-remedy.126997/page-17 whole thread filled with PC beggars crying thinking Remedy belongs to PC. They're BEGGING for an MS acquisition so they can still play their pity ports. the nerve of these guys, think they're entitled to everything. I hope Sony ensures no Remedy game ever touches PC again.
  11. Phil Spencer hated Alan Wake and Remedy's games, it's a well documented fact. They 100% tried to make Alan Wake 2 (the prototype is out there) and it was cancelled in favour of Quantum Break to help push the now axed MS TV studios garbage. Alan Wake was a well recieved game that went on to sell millions albeit at discounts. Alan Wake had the misfortune of releasing the same exact day as red dead redemption. Any publisher worth a shit will be looking at Remedy as a steal right now, with most of their value being tied to the Alan Wake IP (they don't own Max Payne).
  12. This would be the best outcome. They'd have security and we'd be more likely to get an alan wake 2 from sony than from MS.
  13. also 505 games got control publishing rights for like 5 million. Remedy is being seriously undervalued right now because their past 2 games with MS were sales failures. The truth is though, the Xflop fanbase couldn't support those games and remedy suffered solely because they were xbox exclusive. their games are high quality and everyone knows it, sony can get these guys for a steal, it would be stupid not to. Remedy right now is the deal of a lifetime, a high quality dev coming off of two sales failures.... they have potential out the ass.
  14. Another huge loss for MS. Your fanbase is starving for SP games and Remedy is literally the only one who made a decent SP 'exclusive' for them this generation. If you can find the money for Double-fine, inXile, have 2billion to acquire minecraft... Remedy is a no brainer. Just give alan wake away. Give banjo-kazooie away. Hell why not just give insomniac the rights to sunset back. maybe sony will do a sequel. It would literally kill phil spencer to give his fans what they want.
  15. It's a perfect fit though. Look at what the Sony marketing machine did for Days Gone, same type of game that Remedy makes, same middling reception yet unlike alan wake and QB, it went on to sell gangbusters. Alan Wake with Sony behind it would be another platinum selling title. this one acquisition alone DESTROYS MS's bargain bin studios.
  16. HO LEE SHIT! This is mind blowing. I feel so sorry for anyone left on XBONE. The nightmare continues.
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