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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/sony-swaps-free-ps4-playstation-plus-game-for-july/1100-6468183/ GODLY!
  2. they should acquire a new head of xbox Phil Spencer has dismantled Xflop to the point of no return. Evil Demone harbinger of death. Phil should be hanged
  3. DLC is officially canceled for Xflop/PeeC and will be SWITCH EXCLUSIVE!
  4. hyping employees lmfao this is what happens when your brand pushes 0 exclusives as a good thing. literally delusion setting in. You'd have to be sick mentally to back a console with NO EXCLUSIVES
  5. Another popular japanese game series making the Switch as we continue our inroads to the sole platform in Japan PS your days are numbered
  6. Nothing in this business is coincidence. the sony acquisition seems legit. Shu was there for a reason, now this news. Remedy is taking back Alan Wake from MS as part of the deal. Hell Son y probably paid them to. Welcome home alan wake. I can't wait for this legendary ip to return.
  7. Gears 2, 3 judgement blue dragon lost odyssey literally the only games left.
  8. one of the best games of last gen. With this and Dead Rising on PS4, MS has effectively killed two generations of Xbox off with their lack of foresight on exclusives. No sum was great enough to keep these two diamond-tier franchises off of the competition. Now I get to own a console with Days Gone, Dead Rising, and Alan Wake on it...
  9. Phil just loves to let xbox fans down time and time again. ANYONE WHO SAYS MS ISN'T GOING 3RD PARTY... i have some bad news for you. Looks like they didn't even put up a fight to keep this franchise. They're straight up giving all of their shit away.
  10. oh sweet jesus. can things go any more wrong for MS? I think those sony rumours are true. Alan Wake will be on PlayStation within a year or two guaranteed.
  11. Welcome to PC gaming you traitorous fucks Everyone at 343 should lose their job. the studio should be boarded up and Bonnie Ross's pension funds should be given back to society's underprivileged children. Rot in hell 343.
  12. DoneX is getting 0 respect from devs, pro is the #1 standard in this industry. just goes to show you, whatever doneBox has nxtgen it wont matter. devs will cater to PS5 and forget DoneNeXt exists.
  13. There's clearly something wrong here, Pro has outperformed DoneX on pretty much every release this year, from RE2, DMCV, AC7, you name it... these devs are clearly breaking the trend with parity for both systems. I wonder how much MS paid to gimp the pro here. #PS4NOPARITY
  14. 'people buy consoles for graphics-heavy games" "we're going to buy more big budget exclusives" "Indies don't belong on our stage" SONY Straight for the jugular. MS and their middle of the road budget games, no exclusives, and indie reel E3s. SHOTS FIRED!
  15. Anyone with half a brain is going to get behind PS5. Sony's marketing is just a cut above. it took them two interviews to outdo MS already and MS had E3 all to themselves. Sony's making all the right moves and the only company laying it out clear as day, they're going for the hardcore market, that's it, no bullshit, no confusion. One of the easiest choices ever, PS5 over scarlett all day. This is going to be one of the biggest blowouts in console history. MS, you're going to pay DEARLY for your no exclusives bullshit and betraying your fans. your console business is
  16. Thank you MS for taking the time to improve the game for us. The game was not up to par when you used it as your killer app for DoneX launch, so hopefully the superiour switch hardware has allowed for the necessary improvements. Will give it a shot. Lucky is just downright adorable, reminds me of my cat! WELCOME HOME! and i look forward to QOL improvements in Ori, halo, and the rest of the switch games MS is developing.
  17. 89 at metacritic after 52 reviews. Switch FULL REAL EXCLUSIVE
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