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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. I'll vouch for that. Even my XBONE phat 2013 model was better built than the pro. Hell, i had to source my HDMI cable from the Xbox One before I sold it because the Pro comes with a little nublet of an HDMI that didn't even reach from the console to my TV. Every single place sony could shave a nickel and dime, they've done it.
  2. the best thing that could have happened from xbox dying is nintendo springing back to life. With Phil Cuck Spencer clearing MS out of one of the top 2 positions, N was cleared to make a comeback. Thank you Phil for selling out your customers. You're solely responsible for Nintendo's comeback. Killing off Xflop cleared the way.
  3. Switch is going to go down in history as the best console for exclusives, ever. SNES of this gen. It's over, big N is back
  4. this, pokemon and the new zelda this year. all AAAE. bookmark this.
  5. she transforms into a motorcycle. You wouldn't wanna ride that? .... Yeah, I'll stick with Sony from now on. DAYS GOTY
  6. MS's new killer ip Bleeding Edge, a f2p Multiplayer only pos from Ninja Theory
  7. Fact: Obsidian is contractually obligated to deliver Outer Worlds to all platforms, AND if that game is successful, they're auto-locked into delivering a sequel which will again be multiplat. realistically, Obsidian is locked on multiplats for the next 5-7 years. Double Fine is locked into shipping psychonauts 2 for PS4 and another un-announced game for PS4 as well. ANy MS exclusives will be 5 years out. Phil is knowingly going out and buying AA multiplatform studios locked into contracts for the foreseeable future. Why is that? Does he just need gam
  8. yeah, i just follow along online. It's not ideal, but easy enough. Doubt this game will ever come over. It's so japanese and like 6 years old now.
  9. Aza, the sword fighting in Ishin is making it my fav. in the series. It's awesome. Japan only, i imported it. http://www.khhsubs.com/rggishinstorywalkthrough.html The fan translation dropped, only reason i ordered it.
  10. The guys who say "MS are making all the right moves" were the MS haters of yesteryear. Yeah, I'm sure MS is making all the right moves to people who don't own, and never wanted to own, an xbox -Rolling over for Sony and refusing any and all 3rd party exclusives -Tailor making games for PC and spending all their resources on appeasing PC gamers -Ripping games and features from paying console customers and giving them away for free on PC -Removing the $400 purchase of the console form the equation -Hand-selecting key titles he thinks Switch owners would like from
  11. https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/judgment 79. around what everyone who plays these game expected. Remember, this puts it ahead of almost every MS release this gen. GS will never count here after their Days Gone review. 0 integrity
  12. this game makes state of decay and sea of Z's look like they're CD-ROMs that came out of a mid-90's cereal box.
  13. that's because it's a slightly right-wing leaning game. 9.0 RGS (Real Gamer Score) I can see 5.0 from an SJW perspective though. This game is a giant middle finger to them from the alex jones-style radio station, to the self-reliance, hunting, militia-forming, pro gun talk, bikes, mechanics, hetero-sexual love affairs, Deacon liking his wife's ass, and the white guy who pretends to be black being the baddie LMAO
  14. Looks better than every game on Done X, multiplats included. This is the game red dead redemption wanted to be. An actual fun and engaging open-world game. Gassing up my bike every few miles? Cool. Feeding my horse carrots and brushing his fur? not cool. DG > RDR2
  15. i was away from my ps4 for like 2 months, got hit with 20gb worth of updates when i played. never encountered anything like that. Is there glitches? yes. is there slowdown, lockups even... yes. Doesn't matter. The graphics, especially foliage are punching way above their weight. PS4Pro sounds like its melting on this game, it's just that demanding.
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