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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. it's last of us with bikes. There's even an interracial lesbian couple to appease your sensibilities. Thankfully we don't have to play as them though (thank God). Better than Last of us, easily.
  2. Any end of the year GOTY awards that don't look like this are biased: Best Graphics: Days Gone Best Story: Days Gone Best new IP: Days Gone Best new character: Boozer (Days Gone) Best development studio Sony BEND Best Tech the Horde in Days Gone From a humble handheld dev to the top dog in the game. Hate it or love it, the underdog's on top
  3. What a ride this game was, true masterpiece. 30+ hour campaign experience, great writing, great story, great characters. As a zombie games fan, the horde mechanic was the most impressive new thing i've seen in ages. The first time you see a horde you're scared as fuck, running back to your bike, heart racing. By the end of the game you feel empowered enough to rush in head on. The sense of progression you get in this game is great. sons of Anarchy with zombies. Good Grief Sony, you've finally found your killer app. Congrats, BEND studios. You'v
  4. On Xbox's official Youtube Channel Flight Simulator has over 3 Million views Halo Infinite has 2 Million Gears of War 5 has 177,000 42 replies 41 retweets 155 likes this is a PC gaming company now. Don't waste a dollar on their POS Win10 companion console or games
  5. Well the only exclusives MS make are for PC. Plus they get "1st class' treatment on halo, and flight simulator is coming first to PC. if you like MS games (and god knows why lol) You'd be best served by a PC.
  6. Phil Spencer was head of first party publishing starting in 2009. Ever sinc ehe came on board, the 1P releases dried up and were phased out halo/gears/forza aside. He's the harbinger of death. Begone, evil demon, you will be given no quarter in this industry. We will see you fired and barred from the public conscious. I long for the day!
  7. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-infinite-beta-coming-first-to-xbox-split-scre/1100-6467949/ Exclusive goodies in multiplats coming back the 'BONE? Good news for lems.
  8. "Wait 'Til Next E3" no, no fucking more. it's been 3 years of this shit.
  9. well where the fuck is campaign? literally embargoed until the day of release. They were hyping up this new open-world campaign and refuse to show 1 mission of it. why so ashamed? They know damned well their lesbian protag is not what anyone wanted. They have the pre-order data, they've seen the fan revolt, they've seen the dislike ratio on the trailers. People want Marcus back, hell, people want JD back. Putting a woman as the main in gears is franchise suicide.
  10. nobody gives a shit about breakout. and no, they haven't showed any campaign. they're using deceptive marketing tactics to hide a shitty lesbian campaign from public eye until they've already sucked the money out of people dumb enough to go in blind. They're hiding campaign because they know it sucks + would hurt their sales if they show the miserable lesbian adventure their SJW fantasies have conjured up. Mark my words, this game will suck.
  11. damn, just watched the vid. 5 killer exclusive titles and they gush over each one. Marvel especially they seem to love, so glad that scumbag cows, hermits and lemmings can't play it. Switch is on fire right now.
  12. Even now, they're so distraught over the PS5 potentially being more powerful because they know power is something MS needs desperately to have the edge over next gen just so they can have ONE measly fucking bullet point --they only care so much because they've already ceded games, exclusives, sales, japan, and everything else. They know It's a lost cause! It won't matter if XBONE NEXT is more powerful. No one will care, everyone will still back PS5. It's just that it's 1000x more hilarious if PS5 is more powerful so we can watch MS squirm. If the NeXtflop is more powerful it won'
  13. These guys have been beaten down mentally so hard that they argue for NO EXCLUSIVES Complete mental disorder. God damn XBOX sucks so much ass. The few remaining have been so mindfucked and know deep down they've sunk $1000's into a failed POS. You got swindled, time to move on.
  14. I urge everyone to wait for Cyberpunk 2077: Complete Edition, with all the contents, releasing slightly after on the premier console. Let the peons and peasants iron out the bugs, let CDPR take their time and hone our version to the fullest potential. This game will only be whole when it comes to Nintendo Switch, its rightful home.
  15. https://kotaku.com/xbox-boss-on-microsoft-s-struggles-with-game-quality-an-1835740535 Lmao the soyboys at Kotaku roasted him :rofl;
  16. a 5.0 crackdown and a gutted, 7.0 gears game starring a lesbian. This can't be all MS has this year, is it? How in the hell can a multi-billion dollar company be so bad at creating games? How is this possible?
  17. Xbox will have one of these soon. Then again netflix and pretty much every streaming site has one of these.
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