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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HEY HEY GOOOOOOODBYE! I hear the local Biden rally could use a few volunteers to sweep the floors.
  2. Also, nintendo going from 3rd place and near death to the #1 platform is fucking ridiculous.
  3. Play anywhere, no contest. The biggest slap in the face ever.
  4. they locked down the next crystal dynamics game with exclusive content as well. Make no mistake, Phil; -these guys ARE NOT your friends. they're systematically going in and locking down every developer and game associated with xbox in the past. they're going for the jugular, they're going to make sure NO ONE bats an eye at picking PS5 over neXtflop. EVERY. DEVELOPER.
  5. LMFAO! Sony's gonna lock these guys down. PHIL THE CON-MAN HBR!
  6. watch this game be a banger after MS cut them. The Phil Spencer eye for quality
  7. Looked like a meme game from the start. Don’t waste money on this when bloodstained, god eater 3, dragon quest builders 2, and fire emblem are days away
  8. Pass from me. It’ll be a binner on sale for $10 within a couple months
  9. https://kotaku.com/xbox-boss-says-theyre-adding-features-to-make-online-ga-1835706623 Wow. hey Phil, how's this for free speech: Fuck You you dimwit. Enjoy perpetual third place, you loser.
  10. No sense if offering two consoles weaker than PS5
  11. Great news, hopefully she’s affected to the point where she can’t put food on the table. I want her to suffer as much a possible. her evil and hateful rhetoric has no place in gaming.
  12. the scary part is they've pretty much forced the entire xbox fanbase onto gamepass. It's literally a pillar of the console now. There's no sense in paying $60 a pop for new MS games... they're on HoboPass for $8. Every. Single. One. Not only will the physical disc market for xbox one games cannibalize itself, MS is forced to offer discounts on their games day one to entice buyers. This only leads to lower quality, lower budget releases. Why are they hiding Gears SP? We all know why, it's a tacked on POS and they don't believe in single player games.
  13. Gamepass continues to devalue MS 1P releases. They will never be AAA big budget games fro m MS again.
  14. https://www.amazon.com/Gears-5-Xbox-One/dp/B07DJY4FRP/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=gears%2Bof%2Bwar%2B5&qid=1561028065&s=gateway&sr=8-2&th=1 Discounted already. Will probably be half price a week after release. Game is shaping up to be a catastrophe. Then when the low scores come in ? RIP Rod Fergusson
  15. https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/06/19/xbox-boss-discusses-gears-5-ps4/ Many barriers are being broken down in the gaming industry these days. While the days of consoles and PC being completely separated are in the rear view mirror, there is still a mountain of work ahead for companies. One such brand that is trying their best to lead the charge on all things cross-play and inclusivity is Xbox, with Phil Spencer at the helm. The Xboss himself recently sat down with Kotaku to discuss a number of things, including gaming from the cloud, their recent partnership with Sony, and the po
  16. Gaylo InDaAnus outsold by COD 3:1 COD Best on PS4/5 FPS best on PlayStation It's a wrap - XDEAD
  17. they won't even show Gears 5 gameplay. Mark my words, it's a 3 hour feminist campaign and it will suck, that's why they're hiding it like a red-headed step-child.
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