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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. He's a con-man and a huckster. His job is to peddle his half-dead box, he knows deep down it's fucking retarded not to have exclusives, it's just that his market share is so piss low that he can't make deals for exclusives anymore.
  2. They really didn't do anything but copycat the 360. MS essentially committed suicide, literally their only competition just backed out . The second a real competitor arrived (Nintendo Switch) They've been busted back down to second place. Don't give them too much credit.
  3. this is one of the saddest ads i've ever seen. remember when they used to do these headshots for exclusives? you know they put batman there because Sony has Spiderman LMAO
  4. All the services and hardware in the world won't save you MS. YOU NEED GAMES. This is the gaming industry FFS, what's so hard to understand. YOU NEED GAMES you dumb fucks! GAMES!!
  5. good thing we have like 30 other exclusive games in between
  6. Days Gone One of the most impressive games this gen. Almost at the end now. The visuals in this game are amazing. it's like 30 hours of pure blockbuster AAA open world awesomeness.
  7. I never really thought about it, imagine how awful this E3 was for non-Switch owners. They got nothing, absolutely nothing.
  8. NSMBU Mario Maker 2 Astral Chain Zelda Pokemon Daemon X machina DQ11S Luigi's Mansion 3 All technically Published by Nintendo. Jesus christ.
  9. it's going to be the best selling launch game on both consoles guaranteed. If forced to choose one, xbox owners will buy COD over Halo every time. Blacks Ops slaughtered Halo Reach in 2010 Black Ops 2 Slaughtered Halo 4 in 2012 Black Ops 3 slaughtered Halo 5 in 2015 Black Ops 5 ____ Halo infinite in 2020 Wonder how this will end
  10. true, Halo Infeminate will be going up against Black Ops 5 - the most popular COD sub brand. It's over
  11. Gears MP is just miserable. The game just doesn't lend well to online MP because there's so few kills per round + the weapons fire like peashooters going into bullet sponges. Shotgun bouncer is the only viable playstyle and that just isn't fun to pretty much anyone.... hence why gears online is dead and gears is sinking into irrelevant status further and further each year. Gears needs a 100% full reboot like God of War. Anything less and the franchise is destined to plummet even further.
  12. also, Gears MP needs a complete overhaul. One of the worst experiences ever online for newcomers. People play 1 or 2 matches, get wall-bounced, and go 0-10 and just leave forever. You have an entire MP mode accommodating a 15-year old glitch from the first game.... and you wonder why Gears 4 can't even make top 30 on XBL. Fuck the core Gears community, that entire MP mode needs a revamp from scratch.
  13. Also, I'm sure Halo Infinite has the potential to sell well, but that will only happen if it's a legitimate 9.5+ game on the calibur that Bungie used to make. That's the thing, it won't. 343 doesn't have that ability. Reviews will be middling, it will be considered a disappointment, the campaign will be short and busted in typical 343 fashion. Bad reputation + poor word of mouth will cap the sales off. Then you have an unfun MP mode that isn't welcoming to newcomers. COD wins.
  14. GearSJW is such a dead franchise though LOL Here's betting the lesbian is gone in Gears 6 just like Red team or w/e the fuck they were called in Halo 5 I bet MS is hiding the campaign footage because they know they messed up with the lezProtag LMAO. Kind of like how they lied before halo 5 came out and told everyone half the campaign was Chief to mitigate the impending damage LOL
  15. Probably an overreaction to the child soldier bits. We'll see, if the gaming media doesn't like it then maybe it will be good.
  16. I get my money's worth on PSN. Exclusives, COD maps and 1st class treatment, and Sony doesn't keep the good free games hostage for Gamepass.
  17. good point. who in the hell would buy a next gen xbox and pay for live when every game is on PC, for free. Insanity.
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