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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-06-13-only-21-percent-of-e3-games-are-non-violent MS is transitioning into the casual baby console while Nintendo goes for the hardcore. Oh the irony TLHBO
  2. They have bat feet and their fur grows like wolves. :O Discovered in 2016....
  3. It's multiplat and costs $8. Meaningless #'s.
  4. if I did ever play it, it'd be on PeeC gamepass. But, I'll never have a win 10 PeeC... so I won't play it. Imagine paying $500 for a console, +$60 on the game, +$60 for XBL... all for a multiplatform game you don't even want to play? there is no sales pitch in the world good enough lmfao
  5. that trailer showed nothing. What the hell was their goal with that? Especially when last year's trailer was lush, open environments, them trying to tell us it was going to be more open-world, etc. now this E3 it's right back to a corridor with 0 gameplay so we can't tell shit. or are we finally going to see campaign gameplay the day of release like Gears 5?
  6. 343 just doesn't have it. Every game they've made was a complete failure. Halo 4 scored well, but you have to remember, that game came out at the tail end of Halo's popularity, when Xbox was held in high regard still. even then it was an 87 at MC. It was given extra fanboy points like any other high profile 1P release was at the time. Even then, it came up short. Halo 4 was realistically a 7.5 game. Halo MCC was a 0 - it didn't work out of the box. Halo 5 was at best a 5/10. Halo wars 2 is probably the most insane decision for a sequel ever, no one was asking for it, an
  7. I wouldn't even pay 8$ on Hobopass to play the next 343 game. After Halo 5 and MCC< they lost me as a customer for life.
  8. Top played FPS on Xbox 2. Rainbow Six 5. Apex Legends 7. Black Ops 4 8. Destiny 2 16. OverWatch 20. Battlefield v 29. COD WW2 31. Black Ops 3 32. Halo 5 37. SW Battlefront II 38. Halo: MCC Soon Halo won't even be a top 10 FPS. And that's all 343's doing... and this is the company you're putting your faith in to revitalize Halo? They're the ones who took it out back and murdered it!
  9. Halo 5's barely in the top 25 and behind 3+ years back of annual COD releases You guys are stuck in 2010. What 343 did to Halo with their shitty releases of Coaster Chief Defection and Halo 5 is insurmountable. the franchise is damaged beyond repair.
  10. Cod's gonna smash it The big difference here is Sony's games are top tier in their genre. MS's games are not. Halo is realistically, right now, a B-FPS. Gears is a B-TPS as well. The only genre MS wins hands down in Racing and NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT RACING GAMES. Not even XBox guys give a shit about halo or gears anymore... because the new ones are busted and suck. https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/store/most-played/games/xbox Destiny has always been ahead of halo this gen. Cod has always been ahead. Rainbow six has always been ahe
  11. It's gonna be hilarious when Halo Infeminate goes up against black ops 5 on PS5 and gets murdered by COD, again. Sony will market the shit out of COD with PS5 and halo: Infeminate's worth will be lessened to 0.
  12. guerilla succeeded in Killing Halo, though. horizon is rated higher and sold more than Halo 5. Shit, TLOU, uncharted, God of War, Horizon, Death Stranding... all will be bigger than Halo. Sony realistically has 5 franchises bigger than Halo right now. When FF7R drops, that will basically be a Halo 3 moment for this gen. Only on Playstation. and again, Halo is now a worthless multiplat so everything i just said is irrelevant anyways....halo isn't in the running anymore. at all.
  13. you already know the right choice, move. You'll probably have a higher quality of life in Texas anyways.
  14. BattleChodes was bad but fuck it, I want to change my vote to Gears of Woke.
  15. Add in Gyro controls, doll it up a little and mS has their 4th banger for Switch. bring it home, Phil!
  16. looked Fucking atrocious. The fans are furious.
  17. https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07SZX1165 https://segmentnext.com/2019/06/15/banjo-kazooie-switch-port-rumored-be-making-amazon-germany/ After that Banjo reaction at E3, Phil's ready to sell this IP back home.
  18. had to sign up for their dumb newsletter so I can grab it the second it goes on sale.
  19. https://gematsu.com/2019/06/nicalis-teases-ikaruga-ps4-and-switch-physical-edition YES!
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