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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. 40;30 "Yes it will end up on all platforms. The point was to have sega on our stage since it's been awhile"
  2. I won't trust reviews for this game. All the little PC Steam fuckwits in this industry (and there are a ton) will be lowballing this game now. they have a personal grudge. If I was Yu Suzuki I just wouldn't have bothered with PC. No point in trying to work with PC gamers, they're negative, toxic, and simply don't deserve games.
  3. https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/02/microsofts-shannon-loftis-pressured-thq-nordic-to-remove-tweet-about-ama-on-8chan/78119/ One of the best surprises at this MS E3 presser was that Shannon Loftis was replaced. I was wondering what happened to her. Looks like THQ Nordic raised hell for her inappropriate SJW tweets. This was the woman who took Phil's job previously and was responsible for 1P. She launced One X with Lucky Tale, Disneyland Adventures, and Zoo Tycoon remastered. Now we know what happened
  4. I was one of the biggest halo guys on here, yet you can't pay me to take the next 343 title. The only people hyped for Halo 6 are the PC losers who are starved for halo titles. it all makes sense why they went to PC. The PC community hasn't been defiled by Halo 5 so they don't know how bad the games are. MS is going to keep Halo 5 off of PC and hide it like a red-headed step child. One o0f the worst games ever made imo
  5. After Halo 5 pretty much all the fans left. Dead franchise, Destiny has succeeded it though so not much to cry about. Of course COD is still the premiere FPS though.
  6. They have no incentive to 'beat' sony's hardware though. They've already given up
  7. they will get beaten in hardware because it isn't a priority for them. Their console exits solely to milk online fees. they have no skin in the game like sony does. Sony will go all out because this is their bread and butter. MS is gonna phone it in.
  8. bu bu switch is kiddy *Play with Legays in Fartza umpteen
  9. The cult of Spencer claims another victim. Anyone from that hellhole in Seattle just turns into a pushover SJW loser over night. Must be something in the water over there.
  10. This has to be the lamest looking game coming out of the industry right now. How the hell do you go from Hellblade to this? Phil went dumpster diving in Ninja Theory's trash bin.
  11. Kait Diaz might be the single worst character to ever come out of this medium. She's disgusting, repulsive, and downright makes my skin crawl. Damn you to the depths of hell Rod Fergusson & Coalishit.
  12. The only PS4 games i'll be getting for the rest of the year are COD:MW, Judgement, Catherine, and Death Stranding. That means Nintendo alone, for me, is putting out more games I want then every other dev combined this year. Incredible 1st party support.
  13. P* already belongs to us. they have 2 games in dev and both are Nsclusive. Natural fit imo.
  14. Multiplat games from MS: (Half their 1st party are working on games for PS4): outer worlds, minecraft, ori, cuphead, banjo in smash, psychonauts 2, wasteland 3, bards tale Only on PC: AoE, Gears tactics (still not confirmed for console) Only on Switch: Banjo Only on Dave & Busters Halo VR Only on Xbox: Thanks for 'saving' xbox phil
  15. Looks amazing. Of course I will wait for the inevitable PS4 release because exclusives are kryptonite to MS. WOW!
  16. You'd have to be an idiot to back this console. -No plan for games -No idea if it will have exclusives -No idea about Japanese support (will probbaly be 0) -Everything will be available on run of the mill PCs -No certainty MS will even be making consoles a few years from now One hell of a gamble.
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