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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Love these. Jeff roasted his ass last year, going to be fun to see this con-man huckster squirm Jeff also had nothing good to say about their E3 this year.
  2. There is no excuse for a multi-billion dollar company being this bad at game creation. When your flagship next-gen title looks worse than what base PS4 is putting out... nope. there's no excuse.
  3. was incredibly unimpressive tbh. especially the human character model, you can tell it's still behind sony first party games on PS4.... and that's their next gen? Yikes
  4. looks worse than death stranding hell, it looked worse than days gone tbh
  5. exhibit A why Scarlett won't be the most powerful console ^. Why does MS need powerful hardware when all of their games look like that? ^^
  6. the dislike ratio on gearsjw trailers Die rancid trash, die!!!
  7. Forza Horizon 4 (win 10, Xbone) - Sept 2018 CrackHead 3 (Win 10, Xbone) - Feb 2019 Gearsjw 5 (Win 10, Steam, Xbone) - sept 2019 Ori 2 - (Win 10, Steam, Xbone) - march 2020 pathetic release calendar. They need 3rd party exclusives and moneyhats to pad this out. it's ridiculous to not at the very least FORCE these new studios to be exclusives.
  8. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-06-10-double-fine-xbox-deal-wont-change-multi-platform-psychonauts-2-release Pathetic. This, Minecraft Dungeons, and Outer Worlds as only on Xbox titles would have really helped the console not look like a dumpster fire.
  9. Phil and his cronies change roadmaps every 8 months. They started out selling a TV box, doubled back to a core gamer's box and failed, transitioned into a PC companion device, and now moved onto a streaming box before closing out the gen. There's no predicting where he'll go - he has zero business sense or vision whatsoever. Don't bother trying to predict his moves anymore, who really cares at the end of the day.
  10. Adorable. Most anticipated game this year Looks fantastic
  11. Looks a gen behind Death Stranding and Cyberpunk. Really unimpressive trailer, shocked they showed such a bad trailer at E3.
  12. Hell Yes. Nintendo is doing big things right now. Return to form or what? The #1 HW and games manufacturer in the world right now. Sony, Move the fuck over.
  13. The D.K bit was a nice touch. those 2 games were my childhood, i think anybody with an n64 had both of those games.
  14. I can't consider Phil anything less than a con-man. the direction he's taken Xbox in is a worst case scenario one. The fans are revolting, i've never seen xbox guys in such a disheartened state. Nobody likes where he's going. Yes, consoles sales matter, they dictate pretty much everything. Exclusives, 3rd party deals, marketing, map-packs, everything is riding on sales of that fucking hardware. If you're comfortable with the same second-class treatment xbox one owners have got all gen, then by all means pick up a scarlett. who knows if MS will even bother to release ga
  15. anyway, I don't like this idea. They should be making exclusives to push their next box. Right now, if you have a one X, why would you upgrade next gen? You'd be better off keeping your one X and getting a PS5
  16. And beyond: Animal Crossing, No More Heroes 3, Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4, Breath of the Wild 2 If you're on the fence in buying a Switch, now's the time. Non-stop bangers + a bright looking future. Really safe time to buy a Switch right now. Also, 100% certain Sony paid to keep Persona 5 off of Switch.
  17. If halo Infinite can run on base Xbox one, there's no excuse to not give us a Switch version. Nobody will buy the next Xbox anyway, let the game flourish. It's the least they can do to make up for bastardizing the franchise with Halo 5.
  18. June 28 - Super Mario Maker 2 July 17 - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 July 26 - Fire Emblem: Three Houses August 28 - Collection of Mana August 30th - Astral Chain September 13 - Daemon X Machina September 20 - Ni No Kuni RGE S September 27 - Dragon Quest XI S September 30th - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening November 15 - Pokemon Sword/Shield 2019 - SWitcher 3
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