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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. NO XBOX - EPIC STORE EXCLUSIVE @DynamiteCop! Your nightmare E3 gets even worse OWNED!
  2. nothing but hatred in the comments on YT and twitter. the most hated game of the show., more so than Bleeding Edge. Burn in hell, Coalishit. You're done.
  3. Rod is such a fucking clown. He's the Phil Spencer of Gears, completely delusional safe-space loony-bin. He has no business being in charge of Gears, and his shitty decisions and gay characters have sunk the franchise. this franchise has lost all of its fans already, it's dead in the water. Gears 5 will do even worse than Gears 4.
  4. switch will be at 100m when all is said and done. the next xflop won't break 20 million, bookmark this.
  5. FF7 and Death Stranding We're back in the PS1 era, PS1 and N64 churning out bangers. MS has about as much presence in the console business right now as they did in 1997, too.
  6. raped, dumb c*nt. To have a job like that, to have people depending on you, how dumb and wreckless to risk that.
  7. Fucker would have leaked the entire Direct. Good job N-Ninjas.
  8. Enjoy the iron hand of the Nintendo ninjas. GET FUCKED! Damn I love this company. Absolutely cutthroat.
  9. Y'all fucking harassing me because I didn't like the direction they were taking Gears. Look who was right again. Fucking Coalishit, lmao that lesbian was a dead giveaway they had no idea what they were doing.
  10. I'm so glad this was easily one of the biggest disappointments of the show! This is getting such a huge backlash, I can't believe they messed up this badly. For sure a lot of people will skip the game now. Die GearsJW, DIE!!
  11. Gears 4 campaign was like 5 hours. They can't do campaign. It probably had a very small budget and will suck. Gears is dead
  12. We are truly witnessing the end of xbox. they're fucked next gen, absolutely fucked. Phil Spencer will be studied in marketing classes for decades to come. How to sink a billion dollar brand, coming off of a near 100-million selling product (360). Incredible feat. He must be one of the worst of all time.
  13. + Cortana had already found Chief in space in halo 4, so who is this guy, and why is chief back floating in space since Agent Locke (lol) saved chief at the end of Halo 5 and he's alive and well already? Halo 4 and 5 were such massive failures that they're ret-conning their existence?
  14. no, but his VA was ridiculous. Especially considering the woman spoke normally. Seemed like a parody or budget work VA
  15. woops, mikami isn't on board. still hope for evil within 3?
  16. if halo is a reboot, and they found chief floating in space, does that mean they're ret-conning halo 4 and 5, their only 2 games in the franchise? 343 fucking sucks so much. And lmao @ that mexican guy, what the fuck was that trailer?
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