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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. the bandai namco leaks yesterday was better than the entire conference
  2. Xbox One SAD edition flopped miserably + PS5 out spec'd them. no point in a weaker, digital only option.
  3. Worse than Sony at consoles Worse than google at streaming what is xbox doing right? Fucking nothing. It's pathetic. xbox's future is app for PC, that's it.
  4. All that shit Phil talked about Stadia and he couldn't show shit, ran with his tail between his legs again He needs to be fired. he has ruined xbox to the point where it isn't even funny anymore, it's just sad. Watching xbox go down like this... My god.
  5. look at death stranding. graphically it destroys what they showed for halo infinite. Sony's going to have the better looking games regardless.
  6. With the current games situation as dire as it is at MS... next gen they're going to get outsold atleast 5:1, maybe even 10:1.
  7. MS doubled back are reworded to the 'most powerful console we've ever created' it's over boys, PS5 is going to be the more powerful console.
  8. Giant Bomb all voted unanimously that Death Stranding's trailer alone was better than everything at MS's E3
  9. The game looks like a fucking POS that's why. It's another mediocre 7-tier game at best like Gears 4. Dead franchise. After Gears 4 sold so terribly, the franchise probably really got its budget cut. Be weary of pre-ordering Gayrs 5. $8 on Gamepass is all its worth.
  10. time to reset the cycle gain, Huxster Phil trying to sell you new hardware with 0 new games, AGAIN. You're a fucking sucker if you fall for this shit AGAIN.
  11. Dino Crisis reveal NOPE Splinter Cell reveal NOPE Halo Infinite trailer with release date Battletoads trailer with release date Looks like shit Sea of Thieves expansion NOPE Ori trailer with release date Gears 5 gameplay with release date Looks like shit + NO CAMPAIGN GAMEPLAY New studio(s) acquisition Only Double Fine LMAO Ninja Theory new game teaser (Bleeding Edge) Looks like shit "Fable" teaser from Playground Games NOPE Teaser of next-gen game by Rare NOPE Xbox next-gen console(s) revealed No Word of it being the most po
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