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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. this is fantastic news! All devs should be looking at this as an option for their PC ports. It probably saves time and money and could work out well for giving consoles the extra layer of polish they deserve. Lets hope this becomes standard practice for all devs, everyone wins this way.
  2. 2021 has been a rough year for PC gamers.
  3. I wonder why Octopath hit Xbox/PC but not PS. If it had to be ported, PS makes more sense. Seems like an utter waste to port to two garbage Fake JRPG, Fake Gamer platforms like that. It should have stayed only on Switch. MS must have done a back door deal with square to demean the quality of the title.
  4. it is pretty much over for WRPG as a genre. fittingly sent to the dustbins of history. Even mass effect collection can't hold my attention any longer. Just awful
  5. have played both demos now and will be going with the switch version. the visuals don't take a hit on switch. the game looks pretty much the same. not a big difference like P5 strikers. Game seems like it was developed with switch in mind, it just fits better. and portability takes it over the top. Pre-ordered and paid in full.
  6. PC gaming has experienced a monumentous collapse this year. I wonder if the outrageous GPU prices are partly to blame. Seems everyone, all gamers and devs are starting to abandon. PC is in the gutter and now is the time to kick the entire scene while its down. the poor ports, lack of 3rd party, and ramshackle games like cyberpunk, warcraft expansion, and begging for console ports is not a good look people don't want to be associated with the 'Losing' team of PC gaming and that's what PC is - A LOSER.
  7. PC is officially the industry punching bag. Even Xbox has eeked ahead these past few weeks. PC gaming is truly a disaster
  8. Now that PC is dead where will Hermits move on to? Switch or PS5?
  9. world ends demo is so fucking good, just played it. day one. funky as hell, reminds me of Jet Set Radio and Persona 5. Absolutely fantastic music as well The original DS game owned but it was entirely dependent on the stylus. I had the Switch version of the DS game, it sucked due to how poor the controls were. this is a completely different gameplay experience. I'm going in day one, full price.
  10. they want devs to work for free? i suppose this is the welfare gamers reaction after being given free slops on gamepass - nothing has value anymore. No, they don't have to give you anything for free. this is a worldclass product and still remained full price a year after release here because people are willing to pay for the sony 1st party seal of quality. As if this is anything new, there have always been improved re-releases before and they always cost money. What's changed is exactly what we all thought would happen: Gamepass is setting a precedent with devaluing th
  11. PC has taken such a beating since CyberChunk 2069 flopped. It's basically being abandoned by gamers and devs alike. If you are playing on PC in 2021 you are truly going backwards.
  12. looks awful on PC, what went wrong? Switch version looks 1000x better, and has better controls, portable, nicer hardware to play on, etc PC is a big fat mistake and capcom should be ashamed.
  13. Cancel all PC subs and shut down the PC version. Square should be better than this. PC is a bloodsucker platform weighing down all others. Die PC, die
  14. I blame PC, PC once again compromised this games quality. If they didn't waste resources on PC this would have been atleast an 8. Monster hunter should never in any way be on PC.
  15. everybody hates PC, and PC gaming is on the down turn. excellent news. office equipment was not meant for gaming. PS5 has single handedly destroyed the PC gaming scene. It's dying slowly and it's all thanks to Sony;s technical prowess. RIP ShitC
  16. it's a AAAE impossible to reproduce on PC because it's best in industry visuals and technology only possible on PS5 CONSOLE is what's powering it. It has surpassed everything you have at your disposal technically. that is fact. the cutting edge in game design is here and you cannot play it. Sucks for you - hopefully PS5's come back in stock soon.
  17. This really frees up space for the yearly XBOX GOTY award. Maybe halo does have a chance this year.
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