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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. I remember that Adam Fat-Boyes interview where he said sony '3rd party publishing' was helping with the game. He made it seem like they had some hand in Shenmue 3, so much so that to this day there is still confusion as to what their role was. (hint: it was no role at all - they trod Yu Suzuki on stage to beg for pocket change). man, to milk years worth of goodwill on this game.... and FF7... both bound for the Boner'Box Done.? pathetic.
  2. nintendo is the only company with integrity left. keep your multiplat trash Sony: Lies about having exclusives. (Devious snake mentality) MS: Shamelessly tells you straight up they have no exclusives and doesn't try to get any (cuck/loser mentality) Nintendo: Actually has exclusives and delivers them (winner mentality) Now we see who the big dog is. Only N's word matters from here on out.
  3. 'E3 of Dreams' Generating 4 years of goodwill and positive press on 2 multiplats and an 8.0 from Team Ico only Sony could get away with this.
  4. How in the fuck is Sony allowed to get away with this? Absolutely shameless. Announce games as exclusive but they come to rival platforms day fucking one? That's it, I'm holding out hope for Persona 5 Switch. Sony's up to some fuckery again
  5. TCHBR! I fully expect to see Bungie on MS's e3 stage on sunday. Still got Call of Duty though.
  6. You need a magnifying glass to see JD on that front cover lmfao Game looks like absolute haggard shit. will flop miserably.
  7. that's why it was so disappointing to see Destiny go to PeeC, I knew it would be right up the hermits alley. Even though I think the game is gay and don't play it myself, i derived a lot of joy from seeing the hermits not being able to play.
  8. F***ing garbage. F*** you Sony you goddamned scumsuckers.
  9. i can smell your fear. the fact that you admit this means you have accepted your multiplat fate
  10. I knew Rod Fergusson was gay, it all makes sense now. I can kind of see why the franchise went in the direction it did with him at the helm.
  11. OMFG Like i said, the remaining xbox fanboys must be delusional or mentally ill IRL
  12. If this game can run on Switch then no excuses will be allowed from other devs.
  13. nobody likes where they work. this gob is probably making a handsome salary, has health care, and a ton of benefits. fuck off with this shit. get back to work.
  14. the old "you're gay because you don't want to play with Barbies' defense huh weak
  15. If banjo comes back it's only because the new inclusion of the nintendo switch in MS's supported platforms makes it financially viable. All these years begging for a new Banjo only for it to be a worthless multiplat whored across Switch/Xbox/PC.
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