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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. right again. "This WOMAN CHARACTER..." Call of Duty: Modern SJWarfare https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/05/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-reveal-old-name-new-campaign-new-brutality/
  2. Absolutely in this case. You bring back Captain Price and wow everyone just to pull out the rug and tell us his new game isn't even his for 50% of it. And you damn well know the Afghani's going to be the child soldier or a girl, or both on top of it. Gross misuse of this universe. Nobody who plays COD wants to play as a 12 year old afghani gunning down american soldiers. It's just gross. Then again, let's wait for some solid details before I flip my lid.
  3. Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Killer Instinct, and a host of other weren't made for Xbox 360 in mind. What this means is, MS's games won't shine, none will be up to snuff with sony's PS5 exclusives. Hell, I don't even think Xbox Game Studios or whatever they're calling their patchwork, ramshackle 1st party nowadays, can make a game for Xbox scarlett on par with what Sony's devs are doing for PS4 right now. but realistically, this means that MS can't let go of their paltry 30 millions userbase going forward and they know it, because they have zero faith in beating sony next gen.
  4. Bring back the most beloved cast in COD history and then cut their gametime in half by introducing a new Afghani girl soldier into the fray. Sounds great and totally not done to earn SJW brownie points. Will be fun, I bet we'll have to kill American marines as the Afghani, too. Totally acceptable. what a joke.
  5. No new hardware announcements. https://e3.nintendo.com From the PR "The presentation, which focuses entirely on software, will offer a look at games scheduled to launch in 2019."
  6. lmao, doesn't matter which game, westerners will find a way to cuck it. This is the only western franchise that I play so I'll forgive it this time.
  7. ArtsTechnica is reporting that the half of the game is played from an Arab soldier’s perspective. The development team is doing this in part to usher in a first for the series: an entire half of the campaign played from the perspective of an Arab soldier. ... hooray.
  8. Exclusive to GameStop, the Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® Precision Edition includes: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game Steelbook KontrolFreek Modern Warfare branded Performance Thumbsticks KontrolFreek Modern Warfare branded Controller Skin Custom In-game Tactical Knife "All Ghillied Up" Operator Pack "Crew Expendable" Operator Pack "War Pig" Operator Pack C.O.D.E. Animated Calling Card Only at GameStop, get an exclusive GameStop C.O.D.E. Calling card with purchase of the game. For every copy sold, GameStop will donate to the Ca
  9. yeah, there's no way xflop's new models match PS5. they have 0 financial incentive to match or exceed it. they're phoning it in next gen with 2 new flop models and milking their western 3rd party support, that's about it.
  10. going to be fucking hilarious when it's new operators, weapons, and gadgets added. This is complete second class citizenship for anyone on XFlop or PC, LMFAO!
  11. It's over for anyone who likes the idea of a console as we've come to understand it over the past 30 years, only Sony is left standing. I told everyone this, Nintendo and MS are bailing on the traditional home console market.
  12. time for anyone with an xbox to face reality, you're never getting real exclusives ever again. That and this means every rumour was true, MS is calling it quits at competing with Sony. Next Xbox won't sell for shit and they know it.
  13. as far as i recall at the end of MW3 Price is still alive, so this is pretty much just MW4 without the 4 at the end.
  14. https://www.windowscentral.com/xbox-e3-2019-predictions-expectations No exclusives, everything will still run on your current xbox one. Nightmare situation confirmed, MS will not be doing 'generations' anymore now that they've failed out of the traditional console business. this also means we're right on streaming, right on no exclusives ever again, right on more games for PC, and then eventually switch and PS as well.
  15. CROSS PLAY BETWEEN XBOX ONE, PC AND PS4! HOLY SHIT https://charlieintel.com/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-will-support-cross-play-will-not-have-a-season-pass/54441/
  16. sequel to modern warfare. cpt. price is back (The facial hair fellow) crossplay between all platforms
  17. What we need is some key titles for Switch. No need for all the 3rd party shlock, but games like Lost Odyssey need to be moved over to Switch. They gave Lost odyssey away for free to everyone awhile back (shows how much they care for that game) so why not give it to a fanbase that will appreciate it? That's the only Xbox exclusive game I own, lmao.
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