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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Days GOTY The Bias gaming media has been served their ass on a platter. also, @MK11, just goes to show how beloved switch hardware is. Doesn't matter if the game is worse, no one cares, the Switch version is more coveted simply because the hardware is so desirable. Make no mistake, MK11 on Switch is the best version because it's on the best hardware.
  2. also, the coolest shit ever: The ninja mask in black. will wear these on my bike. big fucking fashion statement to wear these in black, only the badasses do it. https://soranews24.com/2013/11/26/how-to-stand-out-in-a-land-where-everyone-wears-surgical-masks-wear-a-black-one/ picked some up in Roppongi/ White guy town.
  3. looked like generic shit since day 1
  4. also, almost anything white people like is fetishezed to hell here. I've seen guys in full on rodeo/cowboy gear down to the leather chaps, kids in leather jackets with spikes and british flags spray painted on them, that 70's Sex Pistols punk scene look, skateboarding is everywhere, Japanese girls dyeing their hair blonde and putting the blue contact lenses, everywhere. this is a conquered people, that's the truth. It's fucking bizarre and I can't day it makes me feel happy or even comfortable to see at times even though I reap the benefits. what the fuck wa
  5. So, I went and ventured to Roppongi during the day but I didn't go into any bars, just looked around. Roppongi is the night life scene apparently, bars and clubs everywhere and yes, Roppongi is White Guy town basically. It leads into Roppongi hills, a wealthy suburb. It's basically a settlement of white expats with their Japanese wives. Looking around at this place, it almost looks like what I imagine a British colony circa 1650 would have looked like. White guys with their concubines on every corner. This whole country is so fucked. It's like some bizarre outerworld in m
  6. Sony. They have the single best exclusive IP in the industry with the Days Gone Franchise, have a slew of proven bangers that are due for sequels (God of War, Horizon, Spider-Man). and have Japanese exclusive juggernauts like Atlus games and the Yakuza franchise exclusively. If they keep Call of Duty and Activision in their corner, they have the best multiplayer games on a tight leash as well. And then when Final Fantasy 7 hits... That will be the gaming event of a lifetime and it will only be on Playstation at first. MS is toast barring some miracle.
  7. This whole thing goes deeper than we thought, stretching way back to the times after WW2. this is so fucked up. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=6igbAr0kDzMC&pg=PA177&lpg=PA177&dq=japanese+woman+white+fetish+roppongi&source=bl&ots=VTVk5vy-Z_&sig=ACfU3U0pcPcFLi3b8dZb5jZF1sQPgoC8JQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz19SnypPiAhVtFqYKHTbwA8UQ6AEwBnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=japanese woman white fetish roppongi&f=false https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=6igbAr0kDzMC&pg=PA177&lpg=PA17
  8. saw another one where the followed fat foreigners around called 'Fat-o Watch!!" lol.mov
  9. you can see them talk in code to eachother about you when they figure out you don't understand everything they say. I just imagine a convo between two japanese girls goes something like this, Yeah, you'll hear ladies-o furst-o here a lot. When they see you're white, they immediately know you'll actually give them rights. call me racist all you want but this is a 3rd world country with a 1st world coat of paint thrown over it, it's a fact. Rice farms everywhere. White people are gods. Racist as hell, socially it's a 3rd world through and through, don't let the moder
  10. Told you. I knew something was up, I'm always right. they're nigerian pirates dressed up as african amaerican to sell hip hop clothes and bully japanese kids. THis place is so fucked.
  11. suprise, sony learned from the last state of play's tepid response and now comes back with the big guns. Sony listening to their fans again. MS lol. just twist the knife every Inside Xflop show for a year with 0 improvement
  12. Also, I've cracked the social codes here. Japanese and asian people in general 1000 million percent have a white fetish, yes. But the truth is, they'll keep you around as a 'pet foreigner' which instantly grants them social status amongst other japanese. They have this huge inferiority complex about being recognized on the world stage but are racist as hell still, regardless. White = + 100 points Blonde + blue eyes + 1000 points any other kind of foreign other than asian + 10 points But make no mistake, you are not their equals. You're a conquest
  13. ok, so i've stopped taking pictures i think because my mind just can't comprehend what i've seen so far. If you go to Japan, your first stop for absolute culture shock, punch-in-the-face moments has to be Harajuku. Go straight to takeshita street (lmao yes, take a shit street) and try to comprehend what you've seen. -Black guys that look like somalian pirates dressed up in baggy clothes and hip-hop style from 20 years ago spinning signs to get you to go into the shops. -Girls dressed as fucking strawberries and loli-pops -girls with their
  14. Japan? Bike culture here is fucking insane, seems everyone has a bike here. Little Ninjas zipping around on Kawasaki's and sport bikes everywhere in Tokyo, dude in karate uniforms with headbands zipping by on hogs with loud fart can exhausts
  15. I can safely say darius Cozmic collection is one of Switch's best games How have I never played these before? Darius Gaiden is one of the best shmups I've ever played. all of the bosses are based on fish and aquatic animals. The music is so good too. Best game I picked up on this trip for sure.
  16. of course he does. they're the cuck company who rolls over and lets him do whatever he wants + doesn't get any exclusives + doesn't fight back. MS is the FuckBoy of this industry, they carry zero respect and epic is laughing @ their gay ass.
  17. Seems like black guys do well here as well @kokujin. Seen a couple with Japnese girls. There's a 'basketball street' here in Shibuya that sells nikes and have a bunch of pics of black athletes pinned up Hope you're not easily offended. Just standing around at Shibuya Crossing and I was interviewed by a couple of kids, TV Tokyo was trying to get me in their shots, the kids who do the filming look like they're 15 years old. celebrity status
  18. smart move, that's the perfect demographic for them judging from the last few games they put out
  19. the secret to my success: roper boots and a raw pair of Levi's I'm scum, I know. But it's just too easy Thank You Calgary Stampede. Also still have Indoneasian girl to show me around as a free tour guide.
  20. the best gets better. An old japanese woman and her daughter, around my age were eye fucking me as I was waiting for the shuttle. I thought they were just weirded out by my foreign ass, I was trying my best not to make eye contact. But then the mom, a 70+ year old woman came up to me to introduce me to her daughter. WHAT WORLD IS THIS It's like l'm living centuries ago as a feudal warlord I can't make this shit up, all of it's true. This is living life to the fullest, holy fuck canada can kiss my ASS
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