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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. LMAO they left off Vita 360 outsold POS3. this is a documented fact. MS has not disclosed anything as recent as this. 360 kept selling in the States while PS3 fell off into oblivion. I have no doubt 360 sold more + it's a documented FACT that 360 trounced POS3 in software sales. 360 wins.
  2. it'll be timed appropriately to push the new switch hardware revision! + the PS5 needs a good FPS at launch. Halo Infinite could take the place of killzone Shadow Fall. Of course everyone will pick up COD instead, but this will make a good secondary FPS for the launch of the new consoles.
  3. *Weekend begins in 3 hours when the 30gb updates are done downloading*
  4. weekend begins now. KalliePageHBAbused by her biker boyfriend
  5. when they stop making exclusives + start producing nothing but SJW games i'll turn. MS did everything possible to turn me off from their system.
  6. Tons of insiders hinted at Persona 5 on Switch Bestbuy listed Persona 5 on Switch Joker in Smash 'P5S' domain name (Reminder: DQ11S) Psychotic you say... al signs pointed to a switch version. Look at the reactions, everyone else is pissed too. Atlus should have nipped this one in the bud MONTHS ago.
  7. I put my money where my mouth is. Hard boycott from me. You can't just lead me on like that for months. they should have damned well known what calling it 'P5S' would do after all the Switch ports that slap 'S' at the end. Fuck you Atlus. I don't need your games until you give us the option of playing the REAL PERSONA 5
  9. LMAO 1/5! the fucking mentally ill retard ^^^ Media takedown is real. Look at that fatass greg miller, his preview event was GLOWING, then the 'white male controversy' piece happened and now he hates it fucking NPCs.
  10. So upset about a white male protagonist and his wife being a central plot point The zombies can't all be white, that's racist.... but if the zombies are all black (RE5) that's racist too. Don't give in to these gaming terrorists and their demands. SUPPORT DAYS GONE!
  11. Final Fantasy 12 is amazing and it's coming to Switch in 5 days. Out of those though, Hellblade. Looks great on Switch, not that big of a difference from the base XBone I saw it on originally. Still looks amazing graphically.
  12. I'll give her credit. For me, this was the best review she could have written because now i know 100% that I will enjoy the hell out of this game. Coming home tomorrow with a case of beer and a copy of Days Gone.
  13. @Vini Get back in your bin, Bini. I was right again. Apology accepted.
  14. yep, this game is a banger. 4-player co-op panty shooting action, too. Thank you Panty Party for saving today. With Days Gone flopping and my dreams of P5 switch crushed, Panty Party stealth release has saved this shitty day.
  15. i'll give the definitive review this weekend. i've played many 5.0's during my time as an Xbox fanboy/xbox one only owner this gen. If it's shit I'll know right away when I pick up state of decay/Quantum Break/Killer Instinct/ Ryse/ Project Spark/ halo 5 vibes.
  16. read the paragraph again and tell me it's not this chubby bi**tch's politics coming through. She's 20 points lower than the average because Deacon doesn't fight women and chivalry makes her tiny fragile SJW brain explode.
  17. Feel emotions of foolishness and excitement ... with Panty Party! Energetic dancing music. It is the melody of panties Every color imaginable. It is the color of panties A powerful story of nonsense brought to you by panties Multiple battlegrounds & a full collection of unique panties! Each pair of panties include their own skills and abilities! It's out on the e-shop right now! $15!!
  18. Physical edition is exclusive to play asia. One of the rare times where i'll be going digital.
  19. I'm happy with my switch so much so that i'd get a new one day one, but it isn't something I think they need to do right now. next year maybe then. focus on announcing more bangers at E3
  20. at the very least this should be for SWITCH ONLY. Putting pS4 in there just ... ughh!
  21. Dynasty warriors all suck, no property can save that abysmal ass repetitive gameplay. CDROMs in cereal boxes in the 90's had better gameplay. Not even Berserk could save musou. NOT EVEN BERSERK! so how can persona be expected to be good. Another wasted property on this trash.
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