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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. It's not about you, move along the three girls worldwide who play Gears will be happy. I'm sure KAIT DIAZ will be up there with Master Chief, Solid Snake, Cloud Strife, etc when all is said and done. These MS games, maaaan.
  2. This week in sheep land: This week gen in lemming land: I't KAIT'z story!! Rod fergusson is such a f***ing cuck pussy.
  3. Makes sense. I imagine it costs a lot to make a game like this for like 5 or 6 different platforms.
  4. I'm gonna nab this and Darius Cozmic on my vacation in Tokyo at the end of the month. No need to import.
  5. My wishlist for DS5 -Triggers at 1/2 the throw of the current or less. -Share and start button need to be bigger. fucking hard to press now -LCD screen -USBC -Rubber Grips -Battery Life obviously, or atleast option to remove batteries, but include a rechargeable/detachable battery pack with every controller. no sense in asking for different stick placement. That's sony's signature, it's not going to change.
  6. No denying they have the worst controller on the market right now. After using the Switch Pro Controller, it's hard to go back to the PS4 pad. Pro Controller shits on it. I think what sets the Pro controller off for me is the triggers have almost no travel which is what I was paying $150+ for with the Xflop ELite controller. Squishy triggers = yuck!
  7. Son of Sparda is somewhere between a hard mode. You start with devil hunter, learn the ropes by son of sparda, and then by DMD you're at an adequate level to own ass at the game.
  8. you're playing on human or easy. Son of Sparda or Dante must Die is where it's at. Incredible skill-based gameplay.
  9. Nero = BEST CHARACTER in action game history, bar none! Dante, Ryu, Strider, kratos, whatever, all get fucked !!! Though Dante is second
  10. Seems everyone skipped on DMC to play From's latest overrated tripe, the boring as SuckQueero: F*ggots suck twice. Do yourselves a favour and get DMC5 instead. This is the absolute best game this generation. + The absolute best moment in gaming this gen: DMCVSpoilers! GOTY 2K19 has been decided
  11. I built a PC in 2004 or whenever half life 2 came out. an Nvidia GTX-7800 or some shit I can't remember. The kid who sold me the card at the store was creaming his pants, said it was the best card ever. Consoles always owned this filth, they always had better games, japanese games, and quality exclusives. all the PC games were nerd shit like guild ward, half-life 2 (inferior to halo 2), no real single-player games, no action games, no JRPGS. I never upgraded again. Horrible platform.
  12. maybe somebody's made some quilts on it. It's old but clearly been refinished (and poorly at that). So long as no PoC gaming has been done in it I'm ok with it
  13. Silent fan mod. standard Noctua 5V NF-A4x10. Nothing you can do about the loud as jet plane GD-rom drive though. Short of running an SD card setup, and then you've gone and removed physical collecting from the mix anyways. BADASS!
  14. It's a messenger desk you uncouth swine! You'd think a diplomat would have encountered one or two in his lifetime. FRAUD DETECTED!
  15. Whole thread in that link is butthurt PS4 beggars These guys are feeling the heat over DQ11S and Persona5S impending anounce Get fucked, Switch is the current king of the JRPG
  16. It's a small discount for Lemmings dumb enough to pay for XBL + Gamepass. That's all. Now $5 for gamepass on PC or Switch and maybe this would be news worthy. As far as I can tell RE5 and 6 are on gamepass and we could use those on Switch, along with all the fauXsclusives. Call me when MS sells their soul to N, otherwise this isn't newsworthy.
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