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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Two discs won't work which is perplexing to say the least, especially considering they're brand new. My copy of powerstone 1 I've had sine '99 or 2000 looks like it's been put through a meat grinder but it'll work all day What the fuck is wrong with this chu chu rocket disc!
  2. It's a pervy evangelion game with mouse Game's still sealed lmao. I'm not opening it, couldn't read it anyways. Worth it for the mouse/mouse pad alone.
  3. Also, does anyone have any experience with disc-rot? I thought this was the stuff of fable, but i literally just unwrapped a brand new copy of chuchu rocket and it won't read. I also have a crazy taxi 1 disc that doesn't work but looks mint. What the hell is going on here? They weren't expensive but fuck, i just took the wrapper off a lemon copy of ChuChu. Got Marvel Vs Capcom 2 as well, works D2/Dino Crisis/MVC2 all mint and fresh Mars Matrix, GunBird 2 next
  4. never do. maybe a $5 pack of custom items in black ops black market once, never again will i spend money on that trash.
  5. Y'all were talking shit " bu bu da carboardszzz lolool" Then N goes and drops double-Perfect 10 game support with it to shut your mouths Nintendo's cold blooded LMFAO
  6. yeah but this is NIntendo. they strong-arm exclusives, none of this weak bullshit. My biggest pet peeve is those fuckers who go "Hooray!! Yay!!! So glad more people get to play this!!" Lmfao shut the fuck up, no one's being fooled here.
  7. Don't fall for the Lemming's cycle of damage control. One by one, as their exclusives were being ripped away, the xbox fandom went into a sad bit of mental gymnastics to try and cope with the loss of their platform identity. It starts with, "Well, 3rd parties should be on everything!" to "Well, 1st parties can launch on PeeC, too, it's CONSOLE-EXCLUSIVE! " to "Well, so what if MS is releasing games for Switch it;'s only a few select games " to the final stage to come: "We're fucking 3rd party ourselves, yikes!
  8. Funny how the 'kiddy console' isn't censored, huh. https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/03/dead-or-alive-xtreme-3-scarlet-bikini-malfunction-censored-on-ps4-but-not-nintendo-switch/79623/ Tecmo's note Move over MS, Sony's here to beat you at SJW gaming, too. Stuff like this makes it easy to be behind Nintendo right now. They're the only purely Japanese company making consoles. Sony's suspect and getting worse by the minute with their agenda-driven gaming. MS is a lost cause, really, no need to discuss that.
  9. i'm not one of those bums that makes excuses or damage controls. A lost exclusive sucks, period. I'm also not one of those bums who thinks the only exclusives should be from the console manufacturer. It's absolutely in a platform's best interest to have 3rd party exclusives. And this one, a great JRPG from Square-Enix, is the top of the top in terms of 3rd party exclusives.
  10. https://www.grac.or.kr/Statistics/Popup/Pop_StatisticsDetails.aspx?bf0709c5784e0e99bfcd010d70d6e103a6c813a6a053e8e5ec12581d53453bb0 Removed Hopefully just an error!
  11. ALso LOL @ all the PS4 beggars in those comments. Everyone's got a grudge because Switch is #1 and stealing all the games. these guys want revenge for Persona 5 Switch and DQ11S. The jealousy
  12. i put a few hours into that game, it's not for me. could care less. I just can't do open world games. Doesn't matter which one... breath of the wild, spiderman... even though I like them I never get past a few hours. Can't hold my attention. But Octopath? A linear story-driven JRPG? No, that just shouldn't go to PC. It's just not right.
  13. Fuck outta here with this bullshit, Dim Tim is just another Phil Spencer-like clown. Learn what an exclusive is. This guy's bragging about his shitty app getting games that are multiplats. Woe is me. I don't need his shitty store, only PC Gaymers do. Still, NOT EXCLUSIVE
  14. F***ing awful way to start a morning. Today's gonna suck ass, isn't it. F*** PeeC !
  15. SIGH. S-E just doesn't get it. I'm worried about how this will damage the IP. Right before Octopath had a chance of getting big, S-E nerfs it like this. the inclusion of any other platforms, especially PC, will cheapen the worth of the title. Now, as a multiplat junk, it will have no prestige or heightened status amongst gamers. I love the game still, but this will damage its reputation at a very crucial time. The only way through this is to release the sequel, Octopath 2, exclusively on switch BEFORE this ShitPort comes out. SE, Octopath 2 exc
  16. No! FUCK YOU S-E and PC gamers everywhere. Praying to GOD this is the mobile SHitPort/Spin-Off version. There's no need to defile this generation's best exclusive title like this. Damn you to hell whoever decided on this.
  17. these dreamcast clear shells are quite the rarity. They don't appear to have ever been legitimately released by SEGA, but they come in pretty legit dreamcast packaging + fit to a perfect T... most have been MIA for around 20 years until recently being uncovered in some warehouse in Venezuela, the socialist gulag, and only because the country's being cleared out of everything in the recent political fiasco. My guess is SEGA was producing these on the cheap in Venezuela, then the Dreamcast went bust and they just cancelled production. What an interesting piece of gaming histo
  18. his store doesn't have any exclusives though, all of those games are available on consoles (and better, too). Dim-Tim doesn't know what an exclusive is, it seems. He must have the Phil Spencer dictionary on his desk. Exclusive: Ek-scloo-siv: A. game available everywhere, usually best on Nintendo Switch, but on all platforms nonetheless.
  19. Have it. that and a few others. Only problem is how fucking expensive they all are now. Every nerd wants a Dreamcast collection nowadays it seems.
  20. My haull Only things I had previously were the REs. Played "What's Shenmue" finally, fucking hilarious. It's so fucking beautiful OMFG In absolute love with thing! might not be a real CVX dreamcast but i managed to put it all together without fucking it up! Went on a complete binge buying stuff. Best console I've ever owned.
  21. We do own the Alan Wake IP, but it’s never quite as simple as that, but yeah, we do own it.” We do own the Alan Wake IP, but it’s never quite as simple as that, but yeah, we do own it.” We do own the Alan Wake IP we do own it
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