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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Scalebound X Fable X Alan Wake 2 X exclusives X Super Lucky Tale √ VooDoo Vince HD√ CrackHead 3√ games for PC and Switch√ Xbox is Saved √
  2. Damn, 2 years ago, just when Xbone was in it's worst drought ever, scalebound was cancelled, and xbone owners were starving for a game to play. Phil the Axeman Spencer is RUTHLESS with his lemmings anuses. What a fucking scumbag! https://www.vg247.com/2019/04/04/alan-wake-2/
  3. seems a bit overkill for FauXclusives likes this Considering their new main platform, The NINTENDO (R) Switch, this really doesn't make sense. They need to be able to scale all of the lemmings fauXclusives to our Nintendo Switch Spec. For this reason, I'm calling bullshit. What's the point of all that power when cuphead 2, ori 2, hellblade, etc will sell better on the Switch? They need to adjust their plans to the new market reality. BS on those specs.
  4. Even though this film flopped and is a universal laughing stock, it's sad to see a propganda film like this make any money at all. To the fat C*nt who stars in this film, your parents are ashamed. You're truly a talentless hack + a political prostitute. No better than a gutless, used up, slimey, disease-ridden whore from some slum. All the money in the world will not buy back your dignity. Marvel, stop trying to brainwash the young kids with your cuckold films! They don't understand the sick crap you're selling right now, but rest assured, when their cerebral cortex fully forms
  5. skip to 53:20 Phil will be up there next
  6. Apparently 47 minutes of the film is exclusive to Switch owners
  7. LMFAO! I heard some Xbox guys saying "well now that we have no exclusives + hermits and sheep get our XBL featureset for free, MS will stop charging for XBL!" NOPE! They're raising the price on you gutless clowns, BWHAHA! You have to cover the costs of us stealing all your games afterall. Who else would pay to hand deliver their few meagre exclusives left to the competition's doorstep? XBox owners are truly the suckers of this industry, absolute whipping posts and waterboys for hermits and sheep, and soon cows too (don't worry, Phil will be giving them y
  8. If they brought Onimusha back it'd have to compete with Souls/Sekiro/Nioh and be one of those hard ass games. No way the market has room for a traditional Onimusha game. Dead Rising needs to go back to the Japanese way of doing it, but i guess it's redundant in the face of resident Evil. Dead Rising is probably on the shelf indefinitely. They should make something new honestly.
  9. Haunting ground needs to be remastered, fucking $300 game because they printed like 10k copies.
  10. Bayo 2 Bayo 3 Zelda: Breath of The Wild Zelda: Link's Awakening Zelda: A Link to the Past Metroid Prime Trilogy Metroid Prime 4 Shin Megami Tensei 4 Persona 5S Dragon Quest 11S Cuphead S Ori S Hellblade S soon TBA Halo S Gears S Forza S This is it fellas. When all is said and done Switch will go down in history as one of the top platforms ever. N on assault mode. COMEBACK OF THE CENTURY!!
  11. PS. Lemmings, go ahead and TURN ON AUTO-RENEW ON XBL! Maybe even double-up your sub, get two or three years just to be safe. You wouldn't want to run out of your XBL would you?
  12. I don't see why not, it'd be a good move to build hype for Halo for when it comes home to the Switch. MS is just doing exactly what ATLUS did before them, grovelling to us via Smash Bros.
  13. everyone was saying ps4 is a return to the ps2 era, but fuck it, we're back in the SNES era now. NINTENDO #1 AND IT AIN'T EVEN CLOSE. TOO MANY GAMES!
  14. Thank you lemmings!! Reminder, turn on auto renew on Your xbl membership! Soon you will find halo and gears welcome home editions you gutless clowns
  15. half of them are gay or have fantasized about men. To be gay, or female, feminine or a fag is to be liberal. 100% human nature. To be conservative = the natural state of a man. Half the libs are gay, have fucked men or fantasied about dick. 100% fact. The only way to be a lib is to like dick, i'm certain of it.
  16. Also, thought I was going to suck ass at this game but Son of Sparda is proving to be a little easy. Dante must die is next. RE2 is perfection but... Best game this year is DMCV! Fucking 10/10 game, capcom is unstoppable.
  17. Hope so. There's no excuse anymore, this game is being held hostage by PS4 Clunksole hardware. Switch - home for this game, easily.
  18. https://p5s.jp/ The source code of the website features the following hidden calling card: April 25 is the second day of the “Persona Super Live P-Sound Street 2019: Welcome to No. Q Theater!” concert at the Ryougoku Kokugikan in Tokyo. After an initial tease in December 2018, Atlus officially announced Persona 5: The Royal for PlayStation 4 in March via a 30-second commercial. More information on that will be announced on April 24—the first day of the concert. Read more at https://gematsu.com/2019/04/persona-5-s-teaser-website-launched#GD5qgrpOpmysDHUY.99
  19. You look like a #2 on the way to a 3. I've seen better hair... I've seen worse. your hair does look a bit thin in some spots there though. I don't think you got the costanza pattern though
  20. To anyone here who is losing their hair, never ever use Propecia. that stuff will literally kill your dick. i took that shit for two weeks, and when you really feel it start to work, imagine the feeling of being kicked in the nuts throughout the day. I literally felt that stuff emaciating me from the inside. I stopped it and went back to normal, but it scared the fuck out of me. then I looked it it up and guys literally sue for going impotent on that stuff. I took it for 2 weeks and it did that to me, imagine some of the guys are on it for years. I have no doubt in my
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