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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Best E3 show i've seen in maybe a decade holy shit at these announcements Nintendo is on FIRE
  2. This fucking company, man They need to just disappear. nothing of value will be lost when they fold. just straight shitting up the industry with their trash, and multiplats. awful all around
  3. No Japanese devs, NONE! Bamco bailed out for Geoff's Keighley's livestream instead
  4. FORZA AND HALO this year? Xbox has finally done it. best year ever for xbox.
  5. Japan has completely jumped ship. Not even BAMCO attended this year. 0 Japanese support. 0!
  6. Game will be a banger Game is talk of the town on japanese gaming forums and sites. don't let the visuals fool you. Persona team is on notice now
  7. My mistake. It's almost like every single console with Phil's name on it sucks stank ass and has no games. I wonder what the problem could be. He launched Bone X with nothing but Super Lucky's Tale LMAO
  8. they can't even release 1 a year Xloaf Serious L still hasn't got a game and it's been 7 months since next gen started this is fucking unheard of
  9. never, this game destroys everything on PC and PS5's SSD makes this gameplay impossible as well. PC BTFO
  10. Only a matter of time before this doghsit reared its head into RE, the franchise is too popular in the west. Hopefully it's kept to a forgotten netflix adaptation and none of whatever they write ever makes it into the games, Capcom Japan is smarter than this. Dogshit and will be boycotted from all real RE fans from here on out.
  11. "it could be decent" look at the fucking cast:
  12. is this the blaxploitation spoof of Resident evil? NETCUX Does it again
  13. zestiria, questiria, vesperia, testeria, mesteria didn't do it for you? this is probably the only normal name they've had in years
  14. No exclusives on a $500 proprietary box is as anti-consumer as it gets.
  15. just goes to show how out of touch he is. xbox fans hate that everything is on PC and they have no exclusives.
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