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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. PS5 holiday 2020, New Switch model either this holiday or by March 2020. New hardware is exciting again. Was getting boring with the constant influx of failed Xflop models, Mini Retro Machines, and streaming boxes. Bring on the real gaming consoles!!!
  2. You should all be ashamed. this game got nothing but harassment for 480p, for being kiddy, for being Yoshi, everything. Fucking yet another AAE, baby. This little 480p game just sucker punched every 'FauXclusive' ever released on the ' Monster ' 6tf DoneX, and every Ps4 exclusive released this year. And the reviewer? Well gentlemen, lets just say this: The ladies loooove Nintendo. WE WIN AGAIN Our Exclusives: Your exclusives: -N
  3. when she flies off I almost LOL'd Yet another mass produced, generic female protagonist game nobody should care about. If this scores above a 7 or whatever Quantumn Flop got, then the bias is real
  4. this is easily in the running for top 5 worst game of all time. how they didn't see this coming, I don't know. But the damage this game did to Xbox's already dwindling reputation makes this one of the most damaging releases in gaming history. This was a current-day E.T moment. Reminder: This was Phil's favourite game.
  5. It's part of their promo reel, pretty sure it is... for now. several years at least. Hopefully it comes to Switch then.
  6. games on Steam✓ Games on Switch ✓ Does MS own those? Nope #3rd Party
  7. you're arguing around in circles to end up at the same point as the rest of us: MS is a 3rd party publisher right now.
  8. MS games are gonna go to epic store too then, so they're... a 3rd party.
  9. https://store.steampowered.com/app/537450/ReCore_Definitive_Edition/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/577940/Killer_Instinct/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/261570/Ori_and_the_Blind_Forest/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/976730/Halo_The_Master_Chief_Collection/ Literally starts with the Xbox Logo Hell yes there's a deal. Xbox Games Studios is exclusive to Steam right now.
  10. Halo's on Steam right now and I'd bet Valve didn't get it for free. Hell yes they cut a deal. All of their games for PC are being funnelled through steam and no where else. Killer Instinct, Ori, Halo, all Steam only besides win10. I'm 100% sure they chose to work with valve. they sold out their games to them because they knew PoC gamers wouldn't buy their shit otherwise
  11. They seem to have cut a deal with valve though, they're a 3rd party for valve. Epic store is a stretch. they locked down deals with Nintendo and Steam. ...LIKE A 3RD PARTY!
  12. If NT's next game is multiplat = dead just on XO and windows 10 = bare minimum to survive Win 10 + Steam, though = dead
  13. We're gonna have to wait and see. BUT, things aren't looking good because Halo was brought to Steam for a reason. I'd bet Infinite will be on Steam eventually. Either way it's on PC. Ninja Theory right now is releasing a game for Switch. MUch like Cuphead is MS's bankrolled oN Switch. Again, not a good look. We have no idea what will happen with their next game, but if MS is willing to whore out NT's crown jewel, we can assume Hellbalde 2 or wtv is multiplat. If it is, then the conversation is over, MS is dead. If not, well, then it's still for PC. If Ha
  14. I AM getting that on Switch. I can't get Breath of the Wild, Octopath, Astral Chain, Link to the Past, Bayonetta, Mario, etc anywhere else. I can't get bloodborne, Spiderman, God Of War, etc anywhere else. I need those platforms. literally NEED THEM to experience those games. Xbox though? First off, the games MS offers are sub-par. Second, NONE of them are only on console. If I wanted to play Halo right now, I'd build a fucking PeeC because atleast there'd be the chance of the good halo games WORKING on fucking Steam. Halo 5 is worthless. MS is the only co
  15. Why in the fuck would I pay $500 extra for experiences i can get elsewhere. Why would I just throw that money away? to hook up yet another console to the TV? To pay to play the SAME games online a second time? two subs for the SAME SHIT?
  16. It's $500 for the fucking box, my ass it's irrelevant. I'm not paying anything for a platform with no exclusives, that's just pathetic.
  17. Here's the main thing: I don't give a shit about their future direction. I WANT A FUCKING TRADITIONAL CONSOLE WITH FUCKING EXCLUSIVE GAMES So until MS offers that (which isn't in their plans) I'm fucking out. And PS5 IS offering exactly what I want. So the choice is clear. I have huge stake in PS5 succeeding, I'm already on board for a traditional console before I even know one detail about next gen. All sony has to do to win me next gen is not be Microsoft. Don't follow tha
  18. MS has done a piss-poor job of keeping their fans satisfied, let alone happy. there hasn't been a banger in YEARS There is no zelda, bayonetta 2, mario 3d wrold moment to fall back on with the Xbox One. the last true AAA was in like 2014 or something. THere hasn't been SHIT. They launched a $500 Super-console with fucking SUPER LUCKY TALE as the headliner *also on PC * Rumoured to be on Switch. FUCK MS.
  19. Sakaguchi is making an exclusive for apple. Probably cost them 10 cents to get as an exclusive. all these years, begging for a follow up to lost odyssey... nope. Seriously, MS can Fuck off with their no-exclusives strategy. It's no fun, it sucks so much ass. nioh on PS4 only. Halo on Steam. Sony can lock down Spiderman. Nintendo gets Marvel Ultimate Alliance. MS can't get shit from marvel though? Everything I loved about xbox can be found elsewhere, and many times now, it's not even available on xbox.
  20. The only reason I would've stayed XBox was literally fanboy pride. I repped it for 15 years. Like i said, if it were just Halo I could've justified it. One or two games. But fucking 0 games?!?! fuck no, I'm out.
  21. I'm not going to gamble $500 on a box that may or may not have exclusives when I know for a damned fact their direct competition will have exclusives. And hell yes I'm enjoying my PS4 over the Xbox. It has every game I liked on Xbox One + over a dozen more.
  22. Dude, some us of us here have been the hardest of hardcore Xbox guys, shilling it on forums for 15 years and even we're fucking disgusted with this direction. The point of no return is here, there's nothing they can do after they flushed all of the goodwill down the drain this gen. It's one thing to lose, but to sell out to the competition, that's when I lose all respect. Like I said, if even it were just Halo still CONSOLE ONLY, I'd still be an xbox guy right now. But they can't even maanage one damned game for their fans... that's just pathetic. Who in t
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