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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. had it on PS1, never finished it. I loved it, don't know why it's so hated all of a sudden. FF7 is another game that does not age. also, Lost Odyssey on 360 is a carbon copy of these games. 3 days til FF7 on Switch
  2. was always an afterthought entry in the series, sorry to break it to everyone here. What we need is a Code Veronica remake from the real team. Easily the hardest, most brutal, most challenging entry in the series. Best puzzles, best storyline, and in desperate need of a remake because the fully 3d visuals have aged like absolute ass in comparison to the pre-rendered games. Code Veronica X, underneath the outdated GFX, is honestly in the running for best classic RE game. DO IT capcom!!
  3. i'm playing FF9 literally for the first time on switch and it's one of the best experiences i've ever had with a game. Those PS1 FF's are timeless. Can't wait to go through 10 again too.
  4. ? That's not Sekiro, that's SuckQueero, the fake gamer POSC version. another game running worst on POSC, damn, Protato's making short work of the win10 family this year.
  5. Great article. On behalf of Real Gamers Worldwide(tm) I would officially like to welcome home the following games and franchises: FINAL FANTASY VII 20-YEAR GRUDGE EDITION CUPHEAD RGE (with free XBL support) thank you for your offerings, cows and lems. we will back in a few weeks (days?) time to extract more of your resources.
  6. the best dreamcast buyer's guide - classic video reviews from 2000 God damn these guys owned.
  7. half my friendlist on PSN was playing this. looked like a Call of Duty launch night. Meanwhile, 3 weeks later amazon finally delivers my copy of DMC5
  8. Don't care what's inside, $399 max. If i can pop-in my copies of silent hill 2 and 3? $499. Full BC, please be true
  9. expect blatant cringey moments like this. This western gaming in a nutshell ^^ FUCK DA WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!! *please buy my game
  10. My guess is it has its roots in the opium crisis that hit China back in the day. The British used it to pretty much fuck up that country for a few generations. Just a few weeks ago the Chinese government sentenced some Canadian drug trafficker to death. Seems like drugs are the ultimate evil in Asia
  11. he did cocaine or something and now he's been blacklisted from Japanese society + purged from all their media.
  12. yep, i had two elites and both fucked up. grips came off. The gears one hurt the most. that fucking this was rare. still got $300 for it with the peeling grips though.
  13. MY top 5 Nindies: 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. The indie king
  14. What to do: in one minute of stage time, Have an elderly japanese man intrdouce 10-15 new games and exclusives from among the world's best devs and franchises. what not to do: Split up 3 hours of stage time between 10 different ethnicity of millennial hipsters, talk about meagre 1.01 updates to 6.0 flops that released 18 months ago, announce nothing noteworthy beyond your back catalogue now being whored out to rival platfroms and PC, and celebrate feminism in games for at least half the show. Let's see if Sony's been taking notes.
  15. your $60 a year is funding this shit, lemmings. HermShits playing Halo online without spending a dime. Sheeplords earning achievements, getting a cuphead port, and now your entire feature suite on our console, and we aren't paying a dime. Desr lord MS is fucked.
  16. I just don't get why every single game has to be a lefty fantasy hour. Here's some politics to go along with your vampire game. man, I was just replaying Code Veronica, this game would get eviscerated nowadays. Hearing Claire Redfield call someone "A cross-Dressing freak" had me rolling. The trannies/SJWs nowadays would flip their shit. take me back to the year 2000.
  17. Just give up on western-made games. all are politicized trash.
  18. this is the gayest shit ever. Little trendies walking around looking like they're about to join the jihad see 100's of these dipshits on the streets nowadays
  19. Google won't be able to get exclusives for shit just because EPIC can, different situations entirely. the client war is not like the console war at all. a console exclusive locks a piece of software to a $400 box. You need that fucking box This client war shit is the absolute gayest thing i've seen in years. It's a fucking CLIENT for your PC, who gives a shit if epic has 'exclusives' or steam has 'exclusives' They're not fucking exclusives. You lazy ass hermits just don't want to download two apps. Epic is able to get 'exclusives' because it a
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