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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. good recommendations but i'd have to remortgage to afford those https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Border-Down-Limited-Edition-SEGA-Dreamcast-DC-Japan-Import-US-Seller-RARE/162713722287?hash=item25e27e5daf:g:TBsAAOSwv8FZ48wu Time to pirate. fuck this shit
  2. this studio is a beast yakuza 0 yakuza kiwami yakuza kiwami 2 yakuza 3 yakuza 4 yakuza 5 yakuza 6: The song of life 'Shin' Yakuza (7) Yakuza Ishin Fist of the North Star Judge Eyes
  3. Yakuza 5: new protagonist for 'new' Yakuza https://gematsu.com/2019/03/new-yakuza-game-starring-ichiban-kasuga-announced-for-ps4 Japanese lowtcp?
  4. yeah, gonna have to wait awhile though. look like it could be a year away.
  5. Ori's already confirmed. MS owns the shit out of that game. Forza will be the final straw. That's when it's gonna hit you dyno 3rd party
  6. all I'm arguing is is that MS are cucks who willingly whore out their games to rival platforms because they've given up on being a legitimate console competitor. If MS really had any skin in the game, they could have very well kept this off of the Switch (and the PC too). They didn't. They're even helping to make sure the game does go to Switch, presumably covering the cost to port it. They're justifying losing this as an exclusive because they'll use it to grow their XBL #'s by counting people who buy the game on Switch in their accursed MAUs metric. This is their future.
  7. i mean yeah, technically the guys at MHDR are doing the port. The computers being used to physically port this are located in MHDR's office. It's still an MS game, using Xbox Live, on Switch. Are we really arguing over this? Quote, Nintendo on today's direct: https://www.thegamer.com/nintendo-thanks-microsoft-friends-switch-cuphead/ 3rd PARTY
  8. ? That's Larry Hyrb. of Xbox. Telling you Cuphead will use Xbox Live. on Switch. Clear enough? Pretty safe to say MS is involved. Any idiot could figure it out.
  9. MS execs on twitter: Enjoy our game on switch. it will use XBL and have achievements. Dyno: You lie!! die faggot! Don't shoot the messenger brah. don't doubt the 'Count
  10. not really. almost everything this year has been gimped on it
  11. MDHR would not be allowed to put it on Switch if MS didn't want. MS is letting them do it and putting in XBL achievements and features. MS is behind this. They'll count anyone who plays on switch as an active XBL user. MS will be doing Ori, too. already leaked. MS will be doing Forza, too. #3RDPARTY
  12. Microsoft allowed them to port it to switch and are bring xbox live features with the title. MS themselves are behind this. like a 3rd party.
  13. Cage is mad as fuck lol. Sony probably threw him out. Look at those comments. Sony fans are the most loyal in the world. They all came to harass him lmao "Pay respects to sony1!! they helped you get here" for MS it was just, lol, fuck you, now i can play it on PC. no one was paying them respects for porting shit LMAO #BiasStillReal
  14. Original jeuxvideo.com leak ^^^ Clench your asscheeks Xbox owners, it's going to be a rough couple of months leading up to e3
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