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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Zhuge, that ResetEra nerd had let it slip somewhere. Some guys on twitter were running with it
  2. where are these numbers from, was hearing 54k for BONE from some pretty legit sources.
  3. not true. Only Xbox is doing this. There is 0 in common between the nintendo switch/PS4 and a fucking PC. Zero. Completely different experiences. Switch/PS4 -Brand Defining Franchises -AAAAE and AAAE games - I'm talking ones that matter, real games, not RTS or PC's obscure made-in-Maldova exclusives -Physical Software that does not drop in price + retains its value for years Vs. PC's gaming $1 firesale steam model of flops -Closed ecosystem -exclusive content from 3rd party developers let's not confuse the issue here.
  4. hermits wanted halo so bad Bitter losers, LMAO!
  5. they're 20 year old games. they'll be big on steam for sure, that's because there really isn't much on steam to begin with. Every starving POC gamer is dying for these games, sure, but they're the lowest common denominator beggars used to getting nothing major for decades now. beyond that, the damage this done to xbox is a deathblow. Hardcore halo fans will leave the franchise behind. MS can enjoy their new fanbase. they're going to need them and as many new people they can get after seeing how 343 makes games. just an absolutely terrible studio. No
  6. he's 100% right. He watched an hour long Inside Xbox show that was essentially a PC gaming show invalidating his $500 purchase. I can only imagine what it was like watching that show as an xbox one only owner. I felt burned and I don't even have the console + Didn't watch the show + actually have systems to play exclusives on
  7. the npd had leaked, Xbox was 54* K , my bad. 9:08 Can't find a leak link, it'll be out in the next couple of days. Xbox = dead
  8. they hit 52k February NPD last month. 52k... that's one of the worst npd showings for a major platform ever. That's hot off the heels of fire sale'ing the S at below $179 routinely, and a $100 pricedrop for DoneX, a console that cost them a shit ton of money to produce. 52k... is wiiU numbers. PS3, at its worst, early 2007 @ $599, was putting up 82k and that was a disaster. a DISASTER. 52k is fucking stillborn. MS simply came to the conclusion that they will never win at hardware with the now toxic xbox brand. Word has gotten out now to casuals that xbox ha
  9. i forgot about the fact that steam has native DS4 support. Every Halo game with a dualshock 4. It's over Dyno, pack it up, Xbox is dead as hell right now. I wonder why they're even bothering with another console at this point, can't wait to see what it is. I'm thinking it will ONLY be a Streambox at this point.
  10. different times entirely. Sega on Xbox was a thing for like 1 year and that was hot off sega actually having a foothold in the states, coming off their relevancy from being known in the home console market. it's been damn near 20 years since then. as time went on, sega completely abandoned xbox and backed ps2 more, then they went in on PS3, and now they back PS4 more.
  11. Sega exclusives, but here's the thing, there's no fucking way the sega rumours are true. Sega sells games that appeal to japan. their #1 game is Yakuza, a Playstation exclusive. Sega would never reboot japanese-centric games like JSR, sonic, etc... on a fucking cuckmerican box. there's literally no way to sell those games to a large enough customer base outside of japan. Sega will always have to rely on playstation and Nintendo in the future. IF JSR does come back (it won't) it would have to be for playstation, just like shenmue had to be. Google might get
  12. Seriously. Google is one of the most fucking braindead SJW, dangerous ass CuckMerican companies in the world, and they have infinite resources. They can damage this hobby badly if they try, we don't need them fucking up our passtime with their cuck shit. Sony, swiftly removed these clowns. ASAP. Don't let them hang around, they're dangerous as hell.
  13. I can't believe I'm saying this: I can't wait for Sony to wipe the floor with these San Francisco, American SJW fuckClowns. Get the fuck out of gaming you silicon Valley Freaks, The Japanese are coming to eat your lunch and throw you to the fucking wolves. Fuck Google.
  14. Nobody is following MS ass backwards anti-consumer nongamer path of no exclusives. Sony will always have exclusives, Nintendo will always have exclusives. You're kidding yourself, MS is being phased out of the console space and you're either too delusional or too proud to accept defeat. It's over, Xbox just sold out it's top franchise to a rival platform. Xbox has nothing left, 20 years and not a single exclusive to show for it. Xbox is a fucking travesty.
  15. we don't have a faction for steam machines, Alienwares or pre-built PCs, no exclusives = NO identity, no reason for a group in SW. you made the right move.
  16. I'll be listing some of my DeadBox games collection on Ebay of anyone is interested in getting some defunct software for cheap. Gotta unload before word of Halo being multiplat really gets out to the casual gamers. Maybe you yourself want a deal, Dyno? they'd look great next to your laserdsic collection!! https://www.ebay.ca/itm/264238185323?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Tell your friends, I can do cheap shipping to the U.S or Canada!
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