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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Lmfao fuck wish i had imported. If they go through with this your looking at a 300$ game easy, collectors item.
  2. this was the big AAA studio, the new one they made. Headed by the guy who did the tomb raider reboot. this was supposed to be their uncharted-level game studio. Turns out it's another indie scale dev, the likes of undead labs. Doing 'Small projects" now.
  3. https://www.windowscentral.com/xbox-game-studio-initiative-talks-staying-small-staying-agile WHAT? Wait, WHAT? OMFG
  4. HOLY SHIT. Please please be true RDR never on PC
  5. https://twinfinite.net/2019/03/ps4-italy-interview/ Hot off the heels of the MultiplatChief Collection announcement. Sony's cutthroat as hell.
  6. wiiU had exclusives wiiU got 10's Nintendo was still alive after wiiU Yeah, XDone is worse, by far.
  7. if the googlebox has an exclusive game of any sort, i think it can safely be added. if it's just a streambox with multiplats there's no point though. Let's see,
  8. newsflash dipshit, you can fuck off wit your PeeC history lesson, Fuckass, nobody cares. It's easy for you to preach your lameass MultiConsole-MultiPlatform-Manticore bullshit when you have your cave with 20 consoles, but the average person, the average kid who goes out and buys a console, damn well deserves some fucking exclusives with his box. I feel bad for the kid who is stuck with an Xflop with no damned exclusives, when he could have got a better system with actual headlining games. Xflop is a downright travesty.
  9. Xbox One disc as a Pizza Cutter LMFAO the disrespect Keep groveling to these scumbags you 125lb Queerbait, LMFAO!
  10. they use an xbox opne disc as their pizza cutter? LMFAO THe seething hatred. Fuck 343, fuck those SJW faggots to hell and back. Absolute SCUM tier, Z-rate studio full of Seattle hillary voters. SCUM.
  11. dude if Xflop got a 9.0+ EXCLUSIVE game (Not of PeeC) you'd be the first here beating your chest. Everyone knows they want a system with exclusives, everybody gets to have the fun of having them except the fucking low class deadbeat gamers on Xbox systems. Everyone knows that, that's why xbox sells the least, that's why xbox is the punching bag, that's why xbox is a fucking joke. It's up to MS to fix that, but instead they just pile on themselves by taking what few games it has left and porting them to PC. They had the balls to systematically go BACK 5 years and port away
  12. their console business is sinking. their PC business is growing. they're doubling down on PC, because that's where the growth is FOR THEM. It's where the growth is..... because they sold out the fucking console gamer. It's almost as if console gamers WANT FUCKING EXCLUSIVES!
  13. you're just delusional. the company is literally telling you they hate your guts and don't want your money and you still defend them. no it is NOT normal to have no fucking exclusives. No manufacturer has ever had the fucking balls, and i mean that in absolute bad way, to tell their consumers they won't have a single fucking game to support their $500 purchase. It's one of the most audacious, insane, fucking bizarre propositions ever in consumer electronics history. It's a downright slap in the face in the games industry, thats for fucking sure. MS knows what they're
  14. don't own one, don't want one. sold mine in 2017, had a phat one leftover that i barely used, gave it away for free worst sytem ever
  15. i haven't gamed on an xbox for years now bro I'm sure as shit not coming back now, either
  16. he doesn't game on Xbox though, him and MikeYbutthead play Anthem and destiny (multiplat 6.0's) on PeeC grinding for loot
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