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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. ownage denied. a stripped down mobile adaptation for japan only probably.
  2. Nintendo: We'll call you https://old.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/ayipl3/but_if_dragons_dogmadark_arisens_sells_well_on/
  3. Nobody knows what sony was planning. A lot of this is xbox fanboy's revisionist history, hoping sony was as dumb as microsoft. They're still doing this today, look at Dyno praying that Sony goes the GaaS/streaming/no exclusives route. Not happening, nobody if following MS, they're dead last FFS. Nobody wants their failed business model.
  4. Worst movie of the year plastered all over the worst console ever, running all the worst versions of multiplats It's a Monster
  5. you WANT it to happen to excuse MS's decent into the trash heap they've become now. SONY TOO! Sony's gonna follow suit! *PS5 comes out - has exclusives and is a traditional console
  6. These Limited Run shits are a curse for collectors. Furi Switch already $100 on ebay. i got that a couple of months ago and its already double lmao and that game isn't even good. For something like this that has crossover appeal with CastleVania collectors (a complete cash cow series) I may as well just get two.
  7. this is what it's come to for Xbox fans. Hoping and praying sony, nintendo, and other beloved developers follow MS's shitty anti-gamer, anti consumer path. "So what if MS sold out and is fucking us + not giving us what we want as hardcore gamers. SO WILL YOUR FAVORITE COMPANY! They're aaaaalllll gonna do it, I swear! " Keep dreaming.
  8. They make high end games. some are simply impossible to scale back. All the smaller scale stuff comes to switch and it's usually always the better version, like Okami w/Brush controls. So down for this. Special edition with STARS aluminum carrying case for Switch BEST ON SWITCH!
  10. this is going to be the lamest e3 ever, just MS and their multiplat reel? Hopefully the NDirect is a homerun.
  11. Of course I'm pissed. I get to beta test a fucking coaster on an exclusiveless shitbox while PC fuckwits who hated on Xbox for years get better versions of all the games. The headlining Xbox franchise, on top of it, announced on the fans most hated, cringey, failed show... Holy shit, this shit can't get any worse, it just can't but every day it does. Fuck Xbox to hell and back.
  12. we paid $60 for a broken coaster and PC players will get the better version for cheaper and it'll work for them day one out of the box, when they shouldn't be getting SHIT ALL to start with. and still, the #1 requested X enhancement was SSOD, never came to xbox. fuck, i think SSOD is on Steam, too. Fucking slap in the face after slap in the face.
  13. Half the show is about age of empires, the PC exclusive. Do you think they give two shits anymore. you'll get your announcement. they're a PC company as of now as far as I'm concerned.
  14. sony will never bother wasting resources developing PC versions of their games. Again, half assed streaming for select titles VS native PC versions OF EVERY GAME that run better than their console counterparts. Remember that 4K super update for Sunset Overdrive that Xbox fans requested? Oh yeah, that never even came to Xbox. That's all exclusive to the PC version. Fucking Xbox is second class junk to MS. Chief collection is next, we suffer through years of a broken POS and now they'll doll it up for hermits and xbox owners won't see shit for their version.
  15. I was using remote play on my macbook a couple of days ago to play Biohazard HD remaster. awful experience, but atleast sony allows mac support.
  16. PS4 gets more exclusives announced for it in one day than XCock Done gets in its entire lifetime. and all of it took place at some little Chinese Bazar game festival on top of it. LMFAO!
  17. It's an ugly little $30 motorbike game meant to be played for 10 minutes at a time. Who cares.
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