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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. you want to sit down and play this grab and go indie game for 8 hours sat in front of a Clunksole and TV? A physics based puzzle/sidecroller/whatever the fuck this is, is best on switch. End of story. Portability is the killer feature for this title.
  2. visuals mean nothing on a game like this. pick up and play, best on switch easily.
  3. reports are everywhere that it's broken on PC! Avoid at all costs. Even DoneX is a better alternative.
  4. WOW! It looks awful on PC! Shocking how bad the PC version is, probably an after thought port. Everyone, avoid the PC version at all costs, what a sad, pitiful port.
  5. And he's a white guy saying that. How brainwashed are these people? Completely conditioned to hate themselves.
  6. This game was a genuine shitshow. Imagine all the resources they diverted from making actual new games for their loyal console players, to go back and fix this trainwreck, and then port it over to the GrubMits on PC. Jesus, every week, shit, EVERY DAY, there's more bad news for xbox.
  7. the fact that this is even a conversation. PC gamers are such disgusting losers LMAO
  8. Halo 3, defiled by the fat, sweaty, cheeto dust-covered hands of the hermits It just isn't right. I feel like that little fat guy at the end of Last Samurai, the ex-samurai, the one behind the gattling gun watching as his former comrades are destroyed by the modern technology of the machine gun. It's over, they looost!! Stop shooting! RIP XBOX
  9. god dammit, I have to sell my xbox physical discs of halo 1-4 now. The series means so much less to me after 5 and now with all of the good ones being on PC, I'm starting to downright dislike the franchise. Meagre multiplat shit. No room in my collection for this junk anymore. Thanks Phil.
  10. OMFG they're teasing it on the trailer for the latest INSIDE XBOX The worst show in history that every xbox fan hates, and they have the gall to put this announcement of Halo PC in there to add insult to injury. They legitimately hate Xbox fans, I'm certain of it. What a heartless announcement. All they need to do next is have Larry Pedophile Hyrb come out with his white gloves and unbox the PC version.
  11. Back to back to back AAA's The BEST Publisher in gaming industry history BAR NONE
  12. hopefully this marks the end of bioware. Another studio ruined by SJWs, quota hires, and inept management. Good riddance to bad garbage, rot in hell Bioware!
  13. Yikes! looking and running like smeared vaseline shit on Done X - similar results to RE2. Worst on Done X, unplayable on PC, and BEST ON PRO
  14. he's upset he spent a massive $500 on an exclusiveless box with worst versions of multiplats. It's understandable why he goes into rage mode when this happens. Out half a grand on no exclusives and worst versions of pretty much everything. Time to replay RDR2
  15. yeah, all my shit's in drawers. also, I have Furi on Switch as per your recommendation. I see it's already worth $100. Seeing as how I Don't like the game, time to Ebay Physical games
  16. gotta know your limits. I only collect Resident Evil, Dreamcast, and survival horror stuff precisely so my place doesn't end up looking like that.
  17. there's no collector's market so to speak on the OG xbox or the 360. There certainly won't be for the ONE, lol. the 360 had some real gems but they've all been remastered. Beyond its import Shmup lineup nothing is really worth a cent on it.
  18. Embarassing. Xbone has the marketing deal for this game too capcom could give two shits about 'Bone it seems.
  19. A game like this lives and dies on gameplay and FR. God dammit I would be heartbroken AGAIN if I was stuck on Done X with this game. AC7-RE2-KH3-Anthem-DMCV ...It's a Monster!
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