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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. IGN (9.5/10) Push Square (9/10) Destructoid (10/10) Gamespot (9/10) PC Gamer (9/10) TheNerdMag (9.2/10) Easy Allies (9/10) Videogamer (9/10) Gameinformer (8.5/10) USGamer (9/10)
  3. MS gameplan was not to make new games featuring a diverse cas,t but to rewrite their military shooters to feature women, trannies, and bulldykes. And they wonder why their fans ran to PS4.
  4. you could get into a game. It'd drop 2 out of 4 players per team, but it would "work". It'd just be a lopsided 2 v 4 in competitive ass slayer matches. Insta-lose every time. The only saving grace was, didn't matter if you lost the match because 1. ranks didn't work 2. you'd actually drop levels randomnly, even if you won 3. the leaderboards didn't work
  5. some regions don't do digital. so again, MS is ceding pretty much all of Asia, every developing country, and like half of the continents on the planet already. Good plan, shoot yourselves in the foot before you get out of the gate. Prediction: The next Xbox will not be sold in Japan . They won't stock in on shelves after the Xbone's showing there, that's for sure. The next XBOX is going to have even worse Japanese support than One. Omfg.
  6. remaining lemmings, find solace in the fact that this game was a 6.0 turd, glorified coaster that didn't even work when you put the disc into your console. MCC = worst purchase you could have ever made. Literally unplayable, yes, single player too was fucked. I remember randomly EXPLODING during Halo 2 anniversary single player. the game was so fucked, 343 didn't remodel plasma grenades to the point where some were actually invisible, so you couldn't see them or where they landed in the remaster And then the geometry was redone, but it wasn't 1:1, so you'd think you we
  7. they've ceded the Core gamer demographic already. We collect discs, we play single player games, we play niche games, we play japanese games. MS doesn't give two shits about this market. they're aiming for the Fortnite generation, SJWs, online streamers, Multiplayer, and games as a service flops. There's a clear divide here, if you're going xbox next gen, don't come crying when you get what you signed up for.
  8. the entire heart and soul of Phil and his cronies SJW menatlity will be present in this game. this is their signature franchise, and they've proven time and time again they'll rewrite established franchsies to make themselves happy, at expense of the fans. guaranteed this will be an SJW romp, chief playable or not. They'll cram it in somehow.
  9. she's on the apology tour, pulling a phil spencer in 2014, trying to regain lost consumer trust. "we made miiiistakes! we're sorrry! we won't do it agaaaain!" Halo 5 was this studio's 2013/DRM/SpyCam moment. there's no coming back for them, as a once-diehard halo fan i'll never give 343 another cent of my money. Especially not with Bonnie Ross involved. This is the moron that thought writing out the Chief was a good idea Literally all of Cucklo's problems stem from this out of touch SJW gargoyle and her influence over the series, where she was quota-hired to the head
  10. Xbox One S... All Digital S A D Xbone SAD edition. XBONE. FUCKING. SAD. This team is retarded. God damn these braindead SJW freaks for killing xbox. They can't do anything right. Damn you Phil SPencer, Damn you to the deepest hell!
  11. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-boss-on-how-to-close-gender-gap-in-game-devel/1100-6465331/ The few women in the field get insta-job offers from 5-7 companies at a time and this bitch is still complaining. No wonder Halo is such fucking ass nowadays. Can't wait to see how bad Gaylo Inffeminate continues to cuck up the franchise with this clown at the helm.
  12. it's a 91% like Life is Strange, UCucked 4, Gone home, LesBiUs: From Behind are AAA
  13. PS4GOTY Crosses fingers* Please, never come to PC! Please, never come to PC! Please, never come to PC!
  14. yeah. In retrospect, the original xbox was probably the weakest console that generation If it wasn't for the Sega leftovers, Team Ninja (Itagaki specifically and his friendships/fanboyness for MS, and Halo 1 and 2, it's realistically a pretty poor console. That's why it has no collector's market today, the games are literally the most worthless of all the 6th gen systems. 360 was an extremely lucky situation. Sony priced out of the console market + nintendo changing focus to casual games. Both of MS's competitors basically folded, and the 360 soaked up all the great ga
  15. And Phil is even worse. I heard Seamus talking on a podcast recently, he conceded xbox was dead and said Xbox's legacy was that it existed to make Playstation better. (He said without MS sony would never have online like they do now). That's it, that's the creator of the Xbox. Pretty much the whole team had zero faith in the console from the beginning, now we know why they failed so hard. Complete pet project mentality. We were all blinded by the fluke success of the Xbox 360, and sony initially pricing themselves out out of the market with the PS3. It was a
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