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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. just dmcv, but i bought the dumb collector's edition so it put me over budget on games this month.
  2. DYNAMITE'S already given himself an out with his new faux-PC support, gay video card signature (ROFL), and an orange name. Maybe he really is a PoC fanboy, that's why he's behind MS's anti-console future plan. Are you taking cues from Remij, pretending to back MS as you cheer on the destruction of Xbox and celebrate the impending flood of scrap games that will all be dumped on PC?
  3. This has to be one of the most fun, original games ever. Loved it on PS2, even better on Switch. Rare gem in this business, one of the most original, quirky, fun games ever. this is what this medium is about. 10/10 classic.
  4. this dude was gay 100%. Beta male scum that likes to pick on animals He never mentioned 35 lbs on his voctory tours LMFAO, fucking assclown
  5. guys like him are in a tough position because their shilling has literally been recorded for years.His entire audience are xbox guys too, so he can't quit outright, but behind the scenes you know he plays on PS4 just like all the rest of us do. Xbox was the* ultimate losing horse I've ever backed. I know the feeling he's in, denial. The worst is, This isn't a SEGA situation where they'll leave beloved by all, MS literally destroyed all goodwill with old fans like me and spat in our faces all gen. they can rot, completely deserve to fail, all their SJW shit, all thei
  6. Hellblade on a switch a year after MS acquired the studio and IP Outer Worlds 1 and 2 already in the contract for PLAYSTATION versions - MS is cool with that Halo Infinite 'PC players are top of mind' - Phil Spencer Ori already in the Ratings board database and Retail channels database for Switch - physical boxed copy on top of it Forza Motorsport S handcrafted by Turn10 for Nintendo Switch in the works RIGHT NOW Mike Ybarra, VP of Xbox new Bio "#Everything" on twitter Gamepass oN Switch and PS4 rumours brewing EVER
  7. that's a lot of green discs there bud you done fucked up. badly
  8. Those studios were literally bought to ensure MS has content (Straight to dvd games) for Switch and Playstation players to enjoy. Every studio they bought was in mid-development of fucking multiplatform games! And they're still going to be multiplat even after MS bought them! LMFAO!! You can't put content on a competitor's console when gamepass is nothing but 3rd party games they won't allow. Switch and PS5 gamepass will be all the 'first party' studios output.
  9. This whole fiasco is clearly a controlled leak. Everything MS always leaks around this time of the year. We knew about many of the studios they bought last year around this time, too. this is how they gauge the market and see what they can get away with.f you want Xbox to have exclusives ever again, stop this disgusting damage control. Speak up, or you're going to get the multiplat shitbox you deserve. As for me, I don't have to worry about my purchase being defunct... because I already did that in 2017 when I sold. The writing's on the wall. The Xbox fanbase
  10. Still, XBLA-tier franchise. the one on XBLA was fun back in the day. I should get this for switch.
  11. this is some indie XBL arcade game. Best on Switch regardless of graphics, they're irrelevant for this game. Portability > whatever else.
  12. Keep in mind Left alive, Judgement, EDF, shenmue 3, catherine, and every other AA Japanese game will be skipping the Xloaf So if even one of those big 4 release for Sony, they'll still be fine MS's situation is looking rather grim. Gearsjw5 will be a trainwreck and is a multiplat, Ori 2 will be an even more multiplat-er multiplat (best on Switch) and there won't be anything else released for it probably this all with games routinely performing worse on Done X than on Pro. Absolute bloodbath this year by year's end, bookmark it.
  13. The only thing this fucking console can ever get the W on is racing games.
  14. 100% happening. -Microsoft's 1st party lineup, entirely, on an adapted version of gamepass for PS4, minus all the 3rd party games taken out. -Hellblade 2, Outer Worlds 2, We Happy Blew 2, and all the other budget slop devs they just picked up were intentionally done so to NEVER make exclusives. These are established playstation/PC devs as well for a reason. All part of the plan. -Sub's going to be $8 a month, will be an app on playstation much like EA access (which sony is confirmed to be opening up to). Native versions, downloaded straight onto your console
  15. who cares If their gameplan is seriously to not have a single exclusive game, then they should just stop producing hardware all together. I feel bad for the kids whose parents make the mistake of buying them a multiplat shitbox over a system with exclusives.
  16. Impossible not to bring Microsoft up in this situation. they're the prime example of what NOT to do as a gaming company, and how not to treat your fanbase, how not to hype people up. What makes MS's failure even more pronounced is that not only Sony, but Nintendo, the underdog, have the hearts and minds of core gamers on lock now. MS is the black sheep
  17. couldn't agree more. the comeback from the wii/wiiu years is astonishing, went from completely swearing off their platforms to switch being one of my favorite consoles ever And yeah, the directs fucking own, usually. Non-stop big anouncements, no filler, no bullshit. look at how hyped people get from Directs (vs a failed show like inside xbox). Nintendo's back on the right track, 100%. 3rd party exclusives and world class 1st party games, winning combo.
  18. literally the only promising studio and the game's still in the concept phase. that won't be out for 3-5 years. by then it will be streaming to other platforms for sure.
  19. Each one of those 4 games is bigger than everything MS has. The only functional game on the horizon for Xcock Done is GearsJW5 and you'd have to switch to a 100% soy diet to enjoy that game. Take a good look at those 4 games, that's doomsday for the Xbox Brand. this is literally the deathblow coming in right before our eyes.
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