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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. look at Ryan Mcaffrey at IGN. Hates Halo 5, whole review is negative as hell, talks shit about how much he hates it for the past 3 years. He 9.2'd it because Xbox One needed a W back then. Destiny 1 and 2 both take a massive shit on Halo 5, that's a fact, that's why there's more people playing destiny than Halo...on Xbox.
  2. Yeah I'm sure MS would rather have 343 halo and Gears of 7.0 over fortnite and destiny under their belt. MS would have won this gen straight up if they kept bungie and epic making exclusives for them. Halo 5 and gears 4, while flops, also only got those scores because they're part of beloved headlining franchises. Halo 5 doesn't deserve above a 5/10 and Gears 4 is 70's range title. Both games were catastrophic in what they did to their fanbases.
  3. Also, I'm shocked at Sucker Punch and guerilla's turnaround. where as both Killzone and infamous were lame as hell, Horizon and Ghost of Tsushima both look worlds better who would have thought Guerilla would end up to be better than all of MS's studios LMAO
  4. Gears 4 is on par with Gears judgement as the worst in the series. As for 343, Halo 5 has to be one of the worst games ever made. You can tell the budget roots of both developers. 343 is old Gearbox rejects, and Coalition is a collection of gears franchise leftovers, capcom Vancouver leftovers, and MS corporate influence. Losing Bungie and Epic was like if Sony straight up lost Naughty Dog and SSM. Absolutely destroyed the xbox brand.
  5. Truth hurts. Ms has the worst studios I've ever seen. Keep in mind Xbox is where it is now (a joke) because of the current studios. They suck and MS knows it, hence the acquisitions of new ones. But, still, Playground and Turn 10 are the only good ones and they make gay car games. Initiative sounds good on paper, but it's vapourware right now. Ninja Theory, well. They're atleast a competent dev, but they still have a host of issues to work through. never forget Homophobic and racist as hell developer. Daddy Spe
  6. MS - -343, Coalition (both terrible corporate studios that destroyed thier IPs + infused leftist politics to effectively 'take away' the franchises from their original fans) -Rare (or what they're calling Rare nowadays) Not the same studio from the 360 era, let alone N64. Kameo and banjo N&B were good... Sea of thieves and Kinept sports though? These guys didn't survive the transition to the Xbox One. Dead dev. -undead labs. Broken, buggy zombie games that look like they came out a mid-90's cereal box CD-ROM. -Compulsion. We happy few was on
  7. the first game was awful. Who's playing this stuff? Generic design, sloppy TPS mechanics, bullet sponge enemies that aren't satisfying to kill + the same 3 pea shooter rifles reskinned. And that Dark Zone shit? One of the worst games I played this gen.
  8. 2017 was the year you had no choice but to bail on Xflop as a rational person. PS4 was getting a banger a week, a 9.0 AAAE japanese game a week, + marketing all the big 3rd party western games, + their own 1st party exclusives, while we were twiddling our thumbs for the whole year. That year was torture to be an Xflop only owner. RE7 Dlc delayed, Xcluded on Nioh and Nier, And PS4 pumping out bangers all year long. I think it was Horizon RE7 VR/DLC exclusivity Persona 5 Nier Nioh Yakuza 0 Gravity Rush 2 all hit within like
  9. Have a friend who's girlfriend got cancer at a young age, she can't work anymore and they're on hard times. He was a huge kingdom hearts fan back in the day and doesn't game much but wanted a console for KH3. Came to ask me what he should get, I told him a PS4 Pro obviously, but he couldn't afford to shell out right now. Said he was only going to use it for KH3 and netflix. I said, wait, you want a console for *literally* only one game and netflix? Boy, have I got the console for you! I just gave him by Xbone for free on the spot. sad part is, I almost feel bad for not
  10. EA paying off sources for delayed reviews. this is fishier than Gamespot's GTSport review that took one month :D. Wait till all the updates are out then review, shady publisher practices like this need to stop. If it's broken trash on day one, review it as such. Hate how some Pubs get preferential treatment like this. they leverage their relationships with these sites to delay reviews. EA, sony, activision, all guilty
  11. this has to be the worst game ever made. This game should have been cancelled, releasing it did more damage than good for xbox. There's no way they made any money on it + it destroyed their reputation even further. Xbox is already dead, MS just won't admit it to milk the guys still left on the console. They threw in the towel and just don't have the balls to come out and tell their customers to put themselves out of their misery and get a PS4 or switch.
  12. I gave mine away for free lol. Didn't feel right charging for it. good riddance, worst console I ever owned. I would have been better off just keeping my 360, that's all my one was good for towards the end, the limited back compat catalogue.
  13. fuuuck it looked so good. it was like monster hunter world but exclusive to xbox one. I'm not lying when I said this was my most anticipated game this gen. when it got canned i was so bummed. got a PS4 shortly after.
  14. depends if they want to hurt sony or not. Nintendo's got Japan on lock if PS4 can never get another MH game. Unlike the pussies at MS, Nintendo fights back.
  15. Nintendo really needs to moneyhat Monster Hunter again!
  16. phantom dust looked so cool from the trailer. I thought Yukio Fatatsugi would be brought back, then i learned it was a generic western dev (and MS didn't want to pay them shit). such a shame. Scalebound and Phantom were literally my two most anticipated games from Xbox. Damn I got so fucked this gen.
  17. https://gematsu.com/2019/02/ps-vita-production-ending-soon-in-japan Good riddance to bad garbage. Now games like Catherine have no excuse, Switch version or bust.
  18. seems like they took one out of Phil the Axeman Spencer's playbook. Show a trailer for a game you have no intention of releasing whatsoever from the get go.
  19. maybe nintendo can save it too
  20. 4,000 of the less than 30 million xbone userbase finally have a game to play.
  21. the fact that this is even a rumour MS just takes L after L. It's pathetic at this point. give your fans something to be proud of or just fuck off. Xbox is already dead.
  22. a good rule of thumb: anything on MS's stage is a broken, unfinished unfun POS stinker that sony passed up. There's no way literally every game Phil aligns himself with sucks this much. this is a voodoo curse at this point.
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