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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. it feels like i'm living in 2001 a good resident evil game, devil may cry, ace combat, kingdom hearts, and now MGS is back. Best year of this generation bar none.
  2. NDirect: 1 Little japanese man comes out, introduces 10 new games and exclusives, shuts the fuck up. event over in 15 minutes. Inside Xbox: 10 Millenial SJW's teabag the microphone, show us games that already released, do stupid gameshow antics, hype up multiplatform games, and show off new controller color schemes. event lasts an agonizing 2 hours of bullshit.
  3. Crackdown 3's about to come out better drop the price of gamepass down to $2
  4. Can't party up. can't play with your friends. Join random games and play with random ass people. In a game who's entire selling point is... the cloud multiplayer. Yeah Dyno, it's TIME TO SOUND THE ALARMS! XBOX IS ON LIFE SUPPORT! IT'S OVER THEY CAN'T EVEN AFFORD BASIC FEATURES FROM XBOX GAMES FROM 2003 - MECHASSAULT (2003) LET YOU PLAY WITH FRIENDS. COUNTERSTRIKE 1.6 LETS YOU PLAY WITH YOU FRIENDS "Oh well, we suck at singleplayer, we still gotz da MP deathmatch! Xbox #1 Consolelolololol" ***uhh sorry, w
  5. the comments on twitter Never insult N-online again. we don't even like or do MP. We do 10 AAAE SP experiences. this is MS's wheelhouse and they can't even do that right anymore. It's official, MS has been sunk by Phil. Everything we loved about xbox is dead
  6. free to play games ship with features CrackHead 3 is lacking.
  7. we're also seeing the destructive effect gamepass has had on the brand. MS has no incentive to make $60 releases when they have to give them away for $8 on gamepass. expect all projects to be downgraded in scope. half baked shit like SoT, SOD, and CD3 are the only things that make financial sense for a brand centered around a straight to dvd streaming service. Like i said, xbox is transitioning into a budget branded family value PC COMPANION BOX... that doesn't appeal to PC gamers.
  8. my 4/10 prediction is looking more likely this is like the 5th sub-5.0 level flop in a row "you'll come crawling back" @Remij_
  9. so the MP is DOA (no way to play with your friends) and the SP lacks all cloud destruction/any reason to play Another Clanger from Phil Spencer's clown posse between making exclusives for PC, working on the 8th dashboard iteration, making 35 new clown colored controllers, and getting KB/M up and running, i guess there's no time to make games no lobby system.. no parties. 6 fucking years in development.
  10. maybe they simply ran out of time. not like they had that long to develop this
  11. I'm going all out for the PS5, it's really the only traditional console left. Pains me to say but the console gaming field has been narrowed over the past few years. Sony's the only one left standing. If PS5 fails our hobby as we know it dies. What MS is pushing for would literally destroy this industry. PC gaming in encroaching fast, like a virus. We need to do everything to shut down anyone who goes against traditional console values, exclusive experiences and dedicated, static hardware. Curse you Windows 10, curse you to hell.
  12. imagine rewinding to 2007-2010 and i told you the next xbox will have: no exclusives worse networking features than PSN worse UI than the PSP/PS3 Worst performance on nearly every multiplat nothing but Plan B games, citing Ninja Theory as one of their top devs no Team Ninja support an 8.0 halo and a 7.0 gears as its top "exclusives"
  13. https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/d-link-wireless-ac750-range-extender-dap-1530/11664389.aspx? guess i just gotta go wired?
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