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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. feb 7th. PeeCluded demo or what? You don't know the release date? The xflop demo (the last thing i played on it before I sold it) was amazing but 9 minutes long. Another AAA for Capcom.
  2. literally the only thing this game had going for it was that it was the only Battle Royale on the market. Now that blackout offers the same experience just better, more polished, and actually working visuals, PUBE-G has been trimmed for our collective memories. PS. *Best on Playstation with Ellie's backpack. TLHBR!
  3. This is their first console game. THEIR FIRST CONSOLE GAME. It's already looking bigger and better in visuals, scope, ans production than anything MS has done. Tell me why that is.
  4. As we’ve expanded our focus beyond the console, the Xbox brand has also evolved from its original roots. As we’ve expanded our focus beyond the console, the Xbox brand has also evolved from its original roots. As we’ve expanded our focus beyond the console, the Xbox brand has also evolved from its original roots. "we're never making exclusives ever again" TLHBFR
  5. Look how easy it is to make a game people actually want to play. this is the umpteenth sony game featuring -realistic graphics -a mature storyline -a normal-looking male protagonist -an actual budget this is from a handheld developer and it looks better than every single MS first party offering. Every single one.Last year, this game was looking like the worst game in sony's lineup. This would be the headlining game for Xbox One right now if was an Xclusive, there's literally no mature story driven games on xbox one, with realistic, non-cartoony visuals. X
  6. As we’ve expanded our focus beyond the console we believe when everyone plays, we all win Xbox is our gaming brand across all devices, no matter how or where you want to play PC and mobile
  7. damn, way too high for this piece of shit game. glad it flopped, underperformed and people lost their jobs for it, but the game deserves 0 sales. literally one of the worst games ever made.
  8. hard to do when I don't own an xbox one anymore, and would never build a PC or ever use windows. Macbook Pro + PS4P + Switch, that's where i'm at. no room for Windows 10 anything, really. CrapDown 3 sure as hell ain't making switch back over.
  9. please keep this off the real platforms, EA hasn't had a hit since mass effect 2. everything they make is trash
  10. they haven't released an AAA anything in 3+ years aside from the annual Forza
  11. this right up win 10 gamer's alley. western, b-rate, shitty art-style and ugly characters. Slap some resource management on it and it'll be PC GOTY 2019
  12. surprised this is even on Xbone at all to be honest. Thought it would be Xcluded like DOAXtreme and Nioh.
  13. another game that plays better on Pro? sign me up. Xboner X: "It's a monster "
  14. i got that one. physical copy. Hong Kong version's box is all in english too.
  15. where did these guys come from? This and granblue look amazing. next FROM software right here.
  16. project is still going to finish and release. Every single game P* touches actually released except for one. Windows 10 killed scalebound.
  17. game is amazing but hard as fuck wish i had more time to dedicate to it
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