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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. And it's an actual physical copy (was digital only because MS doesn't support collectors) + the japanese artwork + only for PS4.
  2. I'd take better versions of RE2, Ace Combat 7, and KH3 over the yearly Asses Bleed.
  3. Previews are in Absolutely glowing! Clang * Clang * ... Clang * Another 5.0-7.0 range clanger for XBONER X.
  4. Boner X has to be cursed. AC7 - inferior RE2 - equal KH3 - inferior Anthem - inferior if you have a boner X, i urge you, please sell it ASAP. you'll make back at least 90% of your money, now. This time next year, Boner X's will be firesaled. it's another failed product in the marketplace, like OG Xbone. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN GUYS
  5. Really impressive how bad MS is at hardware. Now I really feel sorry for all of you guys who got swindled by the One X. This game was marketed with Xbone, too, this was their goddamned closer at E3. They wanted to pretend this was exclusive so badly. I can't help but feel responsible, I have this huge shame and guilt for hyping Boner X before launch. i should have known, even with a raw power advantage on paper, the Xcuckolds who work at MS currently cannot win no matter what, they are inept and know nothing about games. Accept my apology, guys. I know it doesn't mean much
  6. Every Single Game this Year Runs Better on PS4 Pro It's a monster It's a mon-mon... monster It's a monster It's a monster It's a mon-mon... monster It's a monster Xcucked
  7. J/k it's just the retard controller mmmmr spencer cannn i have mmmore multiplatz
  8. "exclusively" on Xbox One, Steam, Epic Games store, and PCs. https://store.steampowered.com/app/985950/Operencia_The_Stolen_Sun/ Xbox One X: Ps4 base model:
  9. Update: Kingdom Hearts 3 Between all of the big games released so far this year, none play significantly better on xbox one X. Infact AC7 and KH3 are best on Pro, with RE2 being equal. equal to or lesser performance than Pro - all the exclusives = $600? "it's a monster"
  10. capcom is the most gamer friendly company out there. No politically correct shit, just quality games for hardcore gamers. Pure as shit, the best gaming company of all time.
  11. Xbox One X – 82 (94) Xbox One – 11 (24) Read more at https://gematsu.com/2019/01/media-create-sales-1-21-19-1-27-19#jvup5HWcjGGVPPtL.99
  12. Difficult decision, we believe result is better 4 Xbox gamers, still disappointing. Im confident in 17 lineup thats our focus"
  13. makes sense. they cut the kid a cheque to play for a while, now that he's finished his contract the game is dead and off the charts. Pathetic, paying people to play your games on TWITCH. This shows where MS's priorities lie: They forced rare to make a featureless, single player-less piece of shit to push TWITCH viewers. They're more invested in MIXR adoption, and other stupid ass PC gamer streaming shit then making games for Xbox. Let RAREW make a real single player game for CONSOLE CUSTOMERS. Enough of this hermit shit, stripped down multiplayer stream crap.
  14. LOL @ this revisionist shit that RE4 sucked RE4 was easily the top game of that generation. Mechanically, it was so advanced, so ahead of the curb that every western game copied it. It was literally the finest-made game of all time when it came out. you guys should have been there when RE: Zero dropped on 'cube. by 2002, it was long in the teeth, nobody wanted that style of game anymore. IF RE4 was made in that style, the franchise might not even be around right now. It would have literally got Onimusha'd out of the public consciousness. RE4 = 10, GOTY, GOTG, no
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