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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Dude, drive it over to that persons house, don't be that guy...

    not this time. Been the good guy every time this shit happens, when it's something of mine i never receive shit back. I've had the postman lose some shit i ordered before, probably delivered to this fucker's house our addresses are so similar.  :rofl:


    KARMA is a HELL of a bitch!





    • NPC 1
  2. So i'm sitting at home and the postman comes to my door with two packages. i sign. One thing i did order, it's legit. but he also gives me a second mystery package with the wrong address. the numbers of the address is correct but the street is wrong on the second one. I can see how he fucked up, the names are similar.


    I  didn't catch this at first, opened them both up thinking it was some shit i ordered.






    Brand new blackberry key 2 :rofl: HOLY FUCK. and I just lost my phone recently, never got it back. some fucker probably ebay'd it when he found it.


    the order sheet was inside




    Fucking idiot postman. :rofl: Oh well, sorry not sorry, ebaying this shit asap. Karma's one hell of a bitch, and thank you jesus for this awesome gift. my birthday is a few days away now.











  3. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    What you're saying has some validity but then you piss it all away immediately by throwing in some dumbass last sentence like the bolded above.


    Xbox is permanently damaged because of the Xbox One yet Nintendo survived the Wii U without being tarnished. You're being stupid.

    wiiU was a stinker but it got buried fast. no one will remember it.


    xbox one had a rocky start and then a slow descent into worst console of all time territory in a slow 5-7 year burn. :D It won't just leave a bad taste in people's mouths. People will make sure not to make the mistake of picking xbox again next gen. I know I won't even bother, personally, I'm going Nintendo + Playstation and i wasn't just an xbox fan... i was THE xbox fan. :D (until you got here, that is). 



  4. xbox is getting skipped on more and more games every day. one of the saddest things this gen is seeing games come out PS4/Steam and then gradually go into Switch/PS4/Steam. Just XCLUDED all around. :rofl: What the hell are these guys at redmond doing.


    Just wave the white flag already. PS3 was shit for a year and a half - 2 years  maybe and then sony managed to get their act together. they got harassed to all hell and were gaming's punching bag until they came out with games. hit games. games with actual budgets. After MGS4, Demon's souls, Infamous, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, etc came out... people started taking the console seriously.


    With MS you have a 4-5 year shit streak with no end in sight. it's irreparably damaged xbox to the point that any 1st year marketing major can tell you it's a tarnished brand. :D 


    Switch on the other hand has momentum, upward trajectory, and a company actually invested in games + securing exclusives for its fans behind it.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    3rd party multiplatform studios are closing


    "It's Microsoft's fault!"


    You can't make this shit up lol :hest: So stupid...

    never said it was MS's fault. 


    my point is even if dead rising were to survive MS wouldn't give 2 shits about it. If it ever resurfaces it's a multiplat day one/exclusive content/timed on playstation or has a playstation marketing deal like team ninja, mass effect, COD, resident evil, bungie, ace combat, tales of, pretty much anything that made the 360 great. .


    Instead of dead rising there's state of decay

    instead of team ninja there's ninja theory

    instead of COD we get battlefail Vagina

    Instead of street fighter we get killer shitstink


    Phil's refashioned the xbox into a genuine PLAN B console. :D 

    • Haha 2
  6. this is a direct result of dead rising 4 bombing, though, that you can't deny.


    what worried me when MS bought the Shit of Decay developers was that they'd let dead rising go and focus on SOD instead. Just like when Phil let street fighter go playstation exclusive because he'd rather double down on Killer Shitstink instead. :D The man has terrible taste in games.


    just like ninja theory will prevent any deals with team ninja, platinum or any good action studio for xbox in the future, the state of decay ip will be MS's zombie priority. no more dead rising. no deals with resident evil theyll cede deals with popular games to push their own internal shitty games.


    Bad things ahead for xbox, glad i made the switch. RIP



  7. 5 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    Honest question, what is the highest scoring exclusive for Xbox this year? I mean obviously Forza is on my PC right now, so just curious if anything else is in the pipeline, or what did score the highest this year.



    trick question?

    • Haha 1
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